8. Completely, madly, irreversibly yours (last)

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A/n: this is the last chapter of "Love at every sight." If you've made it till here, thank you ❤️


Win and his friends settle in their seats thirty minutes before the match is scheduled to commence. GMM basketball team is yet to arrive at the stadium while the boys from Horji University team are already warming up in the court and Win already despises them. He is nervous, perhaps more than Bright is.

"What's the plan?" Fong asks, moving his eyes around the stadium in scrutiny.

Win's head springs to his side.

He squeals, "I thought you had one."

"Why would you think something like that?"

"Because you always have one."

"Alright I have one" Ohm declares, "after the match ends, we'll have the cameras on you and your face will be there on the -"

"I REJECT IT!" Win snaps, freaking out, "you really want me to embaress us all?"

Fong agrees, "and moreover, imagine if our team loses-"

"What the.."

"I'm just saying Win" he interposes, "imagine losing a game and then having all attention on yourself."

Win cringes even with the little visualisation.

Ohm suggests, "then confess when he enters the stadium. That will surely boost his energy."

Win shakes his head, "that is too risky. He can't afford losing his focus right before the match."

As if in a cue, GMM basketball team makes its entry and stadium echoes with joyous roars. Win's eyes take no time to find their favourite view and he smiles, seeing Bright in his jersey and shorts, looking extra hot than he always does. Win calms his heart for his dear life, excitement oozing from his skin. He also sees the boards and placards having Bright's name written over them that sway elegantly in air. Everybody is cheering up for him while Bright is calm and serious as he typically is before any match.

"Shit" Win mutters under his breathe, "must he look so good?"

"So?" Fong snorts, "how are you going to do it?"

"I don't know but God I'm going to do it before I lose him to one of these girls pining for him."

The hoarding board hinged at the left section displays the players.

Bright's face flashes on the big screen and Win finds himself fanning his own face.

Bright licks his lips unconsciously as a pearl of sweat slips down his adam's apple. His eyes are fixed on the floor as he warms up, his brows knitted in deep frown and hair messily falling on his forehead.

Fong shuts Win's wide open mouth.


...Bright dribbles the ball, looking straight up in his opponent's eyes as the other guy tries to hover over him. Bright benifits from his height and cuts a quick back pass. He pulls the ball behind his back using his right hand, flicking his wrist so he could pass it to Luke in other direction. Luke bolts forward towards the hoop and makes an easy score.

Win's hands are joined tightly as he keeps shaking his legs. Thirty minutes have passed and GMM is leading as of now with a score of 2 - 1, Luke being the one to score both the times. Win doesn't understand the mechanics but he understands Bright enough to see his face and know that he's planning things on his own pace.

After the first break, Bright scores thrice and GMM leads in the first half. Win is left mesmerised everytime Bright makes the near perfect free throw in a smooth trajectory.

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