3. he's very kind

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Win wakes up to the obscene smooching sound and he doesn't like it, not a bit, not close at all. He coughs loudly, hoping whatever it is happening in the next room ceases to.

"Good morning Nong" Type says, leaning against the door, "woke up already?"

Win clears his throat, "yeah. A very, very horrible nightmare."

Type flushes but determined not to shed his big brother aura down, he manages a long face.

"Now now..don't trick me into talking about my love life" he says, sitting next to Win, "let's talk about yours. You thought I wouldn't notice? You're so easy to read."

Win frowns and the moment he realises what it might mean, his eyes grow big.

"Shia..did phi Bright tell you?"

Type gasps, "So you have already told Bright?"

"No. But he said I was so obvious that he figured it out himself."

"And?" Type asks.

"And?" Win repeats in confusion.

"Well, what did Bright say?"

Win bites his lips, "he said he thinks I have a chance."

Type gapes, covering his mouth in surprise.

"I can't believe this. And he hid such a big thing from me? I'm gonna talk to him."

"Phi.." Win urges, "I told him to keep this a secret. I'm not even sure if I'd do anything about it. We hardly got a chance to talk."

"Yeah right!" Type chortles sarcastically, "as if sneaking away from us didn't give you enough time. God how foolish I am. I should've known there was more than a general concern when Bright keeps asking if you're settling here fine."

Win frowns, "wait - phi Bright?"

And then, he breaks in a fit of laughter.

Two minutes pass and Type waits with utmost confusion but patience and Win composes himself before telling him how he just said the most ridiculous thing in the world. Him and Phi Bright? What a funny thing to say.

"So Luke is the one you like?" Type asks after Win explains.

Win nods.

"And Bright is helping you to get close to Luke?"

"Not really" Win says, "I mean he keeps encouraging me to act on my feelings but you know me phi. I would never have a courage to do that."

Type chuckles, pinching Win's nose, "stupid boy. If you truly like him, you'll find courage."

"But I don't even know him properly" Win pouts, "why don't you help me out?"

Type shrugs, "why don't you ask Bright? He's closer to Luke than any of us because they spend so much time together during practises. And you seem to be comfortable around him too."

Win tilts his head as his brain starts working on the advice.


Win waits for his friends who have gone to fetch lunch while he reads the menu on the table simply because he's bored. He hears a commotion near the queue and notices the same boy who had tried to bully him a couple days ago, snatching a junior's platter and walking away. Win turns back immediately, afraid to get in his notice but as his eyes wandered across the table, an idea pops in his mind. He grabs the paperweight kept on the menu and slides it open from the top, taking small round marbles out of it. He senses the boy's footsteps coming closer and carefully, with trembling hands, he drops the marble balls on the floor and slightly kicks them towards the passage.

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