2. the red signal

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Man asks Win to hang out at his and Type's apartment for the weekend since Type is already missing his little brother a lot. Win asks him who else is coming to which Man replies, Bright, Luke, Boss.

Win only hears Luke.

"I'll come."


"Seriously phi?" Win exclaims, "your anniversary is at the end of the month, why are you packing your stuffs now?"

"I'm not packing, you are" Man says, sliding his bag towards Win who he has cunningly tricked into helping him prepare for a week trip to his hometown. Thirty days later.

"Pack this underwear too. Type loves it."

"Shia" Win shrieks, tossing the disturbing piece of fabric away, "just how disgusting you guys could be."

Mike snorts explicitly, "wait till you find yourself a hottie."

"Well technically he did."

"Phi Baii stop it!" Win shouts, "that's our secret."

Bright giggles, switching the tv off and sitting at the sofa, next to Win.

Mike wiggles his brows but before he could ask more, Type walks in the living room.

"Why are you making my brother do your work?" Type growls.

"He forced to help" Man smiles sugerly, "he's very sweet, just like his brother."

Type shakes his head and sits on the floor, hugging his boyfriend from behind.

"I'll get it" Win says when the door bell chimes.

"Hey Win" Luke chirps, smiling, "good to see you again."

Win gulps and manages an incoherent greeting.

"Beer for you all, coke for Bright" Boss says, throwing the cans before settling down.

"I'm having practice tomorrow" Bright explains when he feels Win's eyes fixed on him. But that's not why Win is looking at him. And it takes a second for Bright to realise that and as it does, he grins mischievously.

"Here buddy" Bright says, patting at his seat when Luke looks around.

"Phi Baii!" Win hisses but drops silent when Bright scoots farther and Luke plants himself in between them.

Close too close... Win's mind supplies.


Win calls Fong around eleven pm just to check up on him but Fong's voice sounds hoarse and he tells Win he's caught a cold.

"I will drop you" Bright says, noticing Win thinking hard in his mind. Type and Man had long left to sleep (make out) and Luke and Boss have passed out on the couches.

Win nods and Bright tells him to wait for him before he leaves to pee. He comes back to see Win is covering Luke with a thin blanket. A faint smile dances on his lips but when Win looks at him, he quickly turns back, pretending to buckle his shoes.

"Shall we go?" Win asks, walking up to him.


"I really feel bad to disturb you like this. You didn't have to do this phi."

"It's fine" Bright insists, his eyes fixed on road, "I rather feel bad for you. How forward you've been this evening with Luke after all, staring at him, wrapping him in blanket. Urgh very romantic."

Win plays a sardonic smile that only amuses Bright more.

"Wait till you start liking someone and I'll tease you to no end."

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