🌹Chapter Six🌹

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Edit: Kindly make sure you read Chapter five before this🙂🙂
Edit: If you are unable to read Chapter five, kindly let me know in the comment section

Ivy's POV

I don't know why but today seems extraordinarily boring. I watched as two periods rolled by, I was not even paying attention in class. Thankfully lunch came by earlier than usual.

I entered to the cafeteria and scanned the room for where Scar might be sitting, luckily for me I found her quickly. I went towards her a pulled a chair for myself to sit

"I'm very honoured to have you here dearest friend" She said sarcastically as I brought out my food "You almost never join me for lunch...I mean who eats in the library anyways"

"Well, Scar, I think you should stop ranting, you should be thankful instead" I shrugged taking a bite out of my PB & J sandwich

"What's up Zack, how do you feel coming back to this hellhole" I asked shifting my attention to him

"I feel ok, this school is still the same, nothing changed" He shrugged as he took a sip from my soda, it's not like I could stop him

"Not that I'm not happy to see you come back but why did you come back, you never really told me the reason" Scarlet asked

"Dad was given a promotion and he was asked to head the company's branch here in Lakeville"

"You miss California, don't you" This time it was me who asked

"Yes, I mean I made friends there but I'm very much happy that I could spend time with you two before college at least"

"Awww, Zacky bear" I cooed while ruffling his hair

"Not the hair" He grumbled trying to  fix it

I blocked out the noise from the cafeteria and Scarlet rambling about her Arts teacher. I was not thinking about anything in particular. I was busy looking at James Reid's photos on instagram who unfortunately for me has a girlfriend. Then I saw a hand that was trying to steal my fries, I grabbed the hand and turned to the culprit

"Zack what are you doing to my fries"

"At least, I have your attention now" was his genius reply

"I was listening, just because I was not looking at you does not mean that I can't hear what you're saying" I retorted

"Puh-lease, we both know you were not...so, mind telling me why that guy has been at you since you walked into te cafeteria"

"Who" I asked confused looking round the cafeteria to see the person

"That one, I can't remember his name" He replied subtly pointing to a table

"That's Jace White, Is there something you are not telling us Ivy" Scar demanded narrowing her eyes at me

"You know, you did not tell us how you got that cut in the first place" Zack added

"Huhhh...No, I'm n-not hiding anything" I stuttered shaking my head lightly

"Now, I'm curious, I know when you are lying babe and right now it's very obvious that you are, we all know you can't lie to save your life" Scar said with one of her eyebrows raised. Damn, she should really be a cop, She would make the most hardened criminal confess.

"Huhh...I....'' and guess what I was saved by the bell

"I really gotta go now, I don't want a detention, we all know how Mrs Finn is, she hate tardiness'' I said, relief evident in my voice, as I carried my backpack and practically ran out of the cafeteria.

That was so close, I didn't know why I did not want to tell them, maybe, because Scarlet would literally punch his pretty face, though I would have loved to see that happen.

I entered the class and settled down of course at the back, Remember when I said this morning was extraordinarily boring, well, it got worse.


"C'mon, hurry up, Zack must be waiting for us'' Scar said throwing a pair of ripped jean and a nude colour crop top which has 'I'm awesome, it is in my DNA' on it. It's true though

"What, don't rush me, it was you who decided that it was nice to wake me up very early on Saturday's morning to hang out with you and Zack" I said rather aggressively. Don't they understand that Saturdays are for me and me alone.

"Don't blame me, blame Zack. Besides, it's senior year already we should make memories before going to college, don't just stay in your house all day looking like a hobo" She shrugged sitting on my bed and taking her phone out of her back pocket

"Is that an insult'' I asked narrowing my eyes at her

"Take it as one if you want'' She sassed ''Now shoo, go make yourself look presentable" She said waving her hand in a shooing motion

Turned out our meeting place was a bowling alley. I'm not really good at it but I try. After the game, Scarlet the bowling queen as she calls herself decided to rub it on our faces that she won. Zack and I had to treat her to lunch and ice cream

We went to the cafe where I work and since I was not on duty today I had enough time to spend with my friends, I treated us to lunch while Zack treated us to ice cream

Though, I would never admit it to their faces but I really enjoyed my self.


This is kind of a filler chapter, I just wanted you to know the connection between those three

What do you think of Scarlet? Do you have a friend like her. Let me know here~~~~~~~

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QOTC: What is your favourite song at the moment?
Mine: Don't go yet by Camila Cabello and Ghost by Justin Bieber

I love you😘😘
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