lovers bloom-karlnapity

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This ones short so enjoy

Karl was having a honking bad day

Sure it was sunny day In Kinoko Kingdom but the day was all-over bad

The crops got raided by rabbits and a mushroom rotten so he had to chop it down and now his adhd is acting up and it's 12:00 at night and he is tired.

Sighing he gets up and leaves for the kitchen, not noticing quackity getting up.

Getting to the kitchen he grabs a glass and starts to drink some water just then a voice pipes up behind him

“Karlos amor (love) what are you doing up”

Karl peeps as he turns around fast to see a sleepy quackity rubbing their eyes, his scar looking redder than the day they got it.

“Sorry love I was just getting so water” Karl thinks for a second “here why don’t we see what sappy’s doing”

“Sueño?” (Sapnap)

“Yea sapnap”

The two goes out the door, across the lawn and finally to the house next door.

The three lovers have separate houses in case something happens and they have to stay somewhere.

Karl opens the front door to snoring, making their way up stairs, they open the bedroom door to see sapnap on the bed dead asleep.

Karl helps quackity on the bed and they pass out starting to drool as Karl snuggles in-between them, loving his two lovers as the world blacks out

*Pov switch*

As the world blinks in sapnap feels warm, we’ll he’s always warm as a blaze but this is different, he turns as he hears a voice mumbles in Spanish “dejar de mover pendejos”
(Quit moving arsehole).

Sapnap looks over to his left to see a head of black hair and golden wings and knows it is his lover quackity, still drowsy from sleep.

 He looks to his right to see a brown head and knows it's Karl who is slowly waking up too.

He awakes as Karl yawns cutely snuggling into his side before Karl shoots up blushing.

Quackity sits up too yawning as he leans over and gives sapnap a kiss whispering “Buenos días cariño” (good morning love)

he is always speaking Spanish when they tired as his brain has not switch between English and Spanish, quackity leaves to the bathroom as karl is apologizing profusely for getting in his bed while he’s asleep,
“It's fine love, I would have done the same” sapnap reassures as he kisses him.

“Let’s get ready okay”

“Okay sappy”
Karl smiles as he watches sapnap pull quackity in to an embrace
Maybe he had a bad day yesterday but today…today is for him and his lovers

Maybe they should plan their wedding sooner, Karl joins the two and he knows the future must be great right……........right.

Hope you enjoyed this
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