where the dead stay

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The tall man stands watching the rails of the train station.

Sighing he begins to walk down the sidewalk of the station. The walls are covered with grime and dirt, posters and papers with blurry words hang from said walls and on the floor dirt everywhere.

The tall man sits at the edge, not worried if a train comes. It only comes if someone dies, and that could be anytime but it has not happened yet. Thirteen years alone, glatt and Mexican dream coming by some times but not always.

All of the sudden a loud whistle cuts thru the platform, lights seen it the distance as the tall man Wilbur jumps up. Two more men are call to the limbo and goat man and a man in a Mexican style mask with a smirk on it, stands in attention.

"Oh new meat" the goat ghost said as the train pulls into the station with a hiss as the doors open.

And out steps.......

"TOMMY" yells the masked man running towards the small child, said child gets pulled in a hug as the fresh blood on his face drips down, down, down on to the pavement

The tall man and goat also makes their way to the child who started to cry. Tears and blood staining his face as he cries about how he died and the three adults feel so much anger. "He-he just started to hit me-the look in hi-his eyes scared m-me" tommy cries as the blood starts to fall heavily

He looks like a mess. His hair was long and just splatter with blood and brain matter and his face is the same, bruise as well. For a dead person he looks the worse.

The three could do nothing but stand there and try to comfort the blonde as he cries.

Three days then pass as they tried to cheer up the blond and it worked somewhat.....

...three months have pass and the dead are closer than ever, mumza came by to chat and was near tears by the sight of her youngest, she then went to the surface to yell at her husband....it was not pretty.

Tommy felt off all "day", it was brighter in limbo. Not the dull colors of normal limbo. The apartment where the dead stayed was quiet too. Everyone felt off. Now tommy was being drag back to the living and wilbur did not know what to do but hold on and he held on tight. But tommy still was taken away and so wilbur would be too.



love all of yall <3

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