Cԋαρƚҽɾ I (1)

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Narrator's POV:
It was a cloudless and cold night when each of the crows as well as their loved ones and friends returned to the land of the living for a second chance at life. "What happened? Why have we returned back to the land of the living?" Alex asked as he looked at Lauren and Nathan."It seems we've been given a second chance at our lives." Nathan said. "Does that mean we're alive and breathing again dad?" Lauren asked. "Yes." Nathan said. "Amazing." Alex said. "And I think I shouldn't judge a book by its cover and truly give you a chance Alex." Nathan said causing Alex to look over at him. "Oh thanks." Alex said to which Nathan nodded. This caused Lauren to jump in Alex's arms. What they hadn't realized is Erin came to where their graves once were. "What's going on?" Erin asked. "We've been given a second chance at life Erin." Lauren said. "Oh my god. Does this mean I get to have you all in my life?" Erin asked. "Yes Erin." Alex said. "This makes me so happy." Erin said causing the three of them to smile.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles

Sarah looked around confused for a moment before realizing that she was getting a second chance at life. She smiled at this realization before looking around more. She then caught sight of a familiar face that belonged to none other then Ashe Corven. "Ashe!" Sarah yelled and ran over to him. "It's nice to see you again Sarah." Ashe said. "Yes it is. It seems you, Danny and I got a second chance at life." Sarah said. "Yes I figured that out as well." Ashe said as he held Danny in his arms. Sarah noticed that Danny was asleep in his father's arms. "He is so precious." Sarah said. "Yes he is." Ashe said as he looked down at his son. Ashe was happy to not only have his life back but to also have his son back.

Meanwhile in Lake Ravasu

Both Jimmy and Lilly looked at each other confused before Lilly soon realizing what was going on. "What the hell is going on here?" Jimmy asked. "We've been given a second chance at life Jimmy." Lilly said. "Well then fuck me." Jimmy said. "What? Why do you say that Jimmy?" Lilly asked. "Well um as the crow I kinda blew up my trailer." Jimmy said. This statement caused Lilly to look at Jimmy in complete shock. "Yea I'm homeless now Lilly." Jimmy said. "No you're not." Lilly said. "How?" Jimmy asked. "My father and brother will except you wether they want to or not Jimmy." Lilly said. "Lilly?!" Tanner yelled as he walked up to her with Harold. "Speaking of the two of them." Jimmy said. "How are you two here?" Harold asked. "Second chance at life dad." Lilly said. "Wow. Miracles really do happen." Tanner said. "This is our chance to do what we talked about." Harold said. "And that is?" Lilly asked. "Give Jimmy a chance and a proper home." Harold said. "Oh thank you dad." Lilly said as she hugged him. "No problem." Harold said. "Thanks." Jimmy said. "No problem Jimmy." Harold said.

Meanwhile in Detroit

Sarah had asked Ashe if he'd go with her to visit Eric and Shelly's grave; and he agreed to it. Upon walking up to where their graves once were, Sarah noticed them standing there once again as she had remembered them. "Eric! Shelly!" Sarah yelled as she ran to them. "What is happening Sarah?" Shelly asked. "Second chance at life." Sarah said. "Wait. We're breathing again?" Eric asked. "Yes you are. And so am I, as well as my new friends Ashe and Danny." Sarah said. "You died?" Shelly asked. "Yes I did. But it was for a good cause." Sarah said. "And that was what?" Shelly asked. "Helping Ashe complete his goal of taking revenge for himself and his son." Sarah explained. "That's so kind of you Sarah." Eric said. This had made Sarah smile.

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