Cԋαρƚҽɾ II (2)

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Currently in Salt Lake City

Alex's POV:
I noticed Erin was able to keep my car and it seemed she kept it parked on the pathway of her family's house. "Wow Erin. You kept my car?" I asked. "Yes. I didn't want to get rid of it." Erin said. "Thanks Erin." I said. "No problem Alex." Erin said. We then all went inside the house. Lauren took my hand and took me to her bedroom. "I love you Alex." Lauren said. "I love you too Lauren." I said. I smiled as I kissed her deeply. "Do you want to go out for a bit?" Lauren asked. "Where will we go?" I asked. "Probably that junkyard we always hung out at." Lauren said. "Alright let's go." I said and walked downstairs with her. "We're going out for a bit dad." Lauren said. "Be careful." Nathan said. "We will." I said. We walked out the front door and got into my truck. I then pulled out of the pathway of the house and drove to the junkyard. Once to the junkyard we got out of the car. I took Lauren by the hand as we walked into the junkyard.

We started playing around like we used to. "You're crane style is no match for my drunken tiger kick." Lauren said . I laughed as I put my hands up. "You're mad monkey love is no match..." Lauren said. I cut her off as I moved closer too her. "I want to be with you forever." I said. "Only forever?" Lauren said questioningly. I leaned down slightly and pressed my lips against hers. I wrapped my arms around her and held her as we continued to kiss. After awhile we both had pulled away to catch our breath. "I love you Alex." Lauren said. "I love you too." I said.

Meanwhile in Lake Ravasu

Jimmy's POV:
Lilly and I walked away from where we used to be buried. As we walked I heard Harold began speaking. "We already started looking because we had found Barnaby." Harold said. "We at least wanted to give him a home. And now he'll have both his owner and a home." Tanner said. "Barnaby." I mumbled. "Well here's the house." Harold said as he handed my the house key. "Thanks." I said. "You're welcome." Harold said. After Harold and Tanner left, Lilly and I walked into the house. Our entrance caused Barnaby to jump up and start barking. "Hi boy." I said as I squatted down. I watched as Barnaby ran over to me and sat down while wagging his tail. "I'm back boy. You aren't alone anymore." I said as I petted him.

This made Lilly smile as she watched us both interact. I looked at her as she sat beside me and petted Barnaby. "He really loves you Jimmy." Lilly said. "Yea." I said. I smiled while petting Barnaby as I felt Lilly rest her head against my shoulder. "I love you." Lilly said. "I love you too." I said. "Do you ever wonder if there were any crows before you Jimmy?" Lilly asked. "I'm sure there were crows before me." I said. "Would you ever want to meet them?" Lilly asked. "Maybe." I said. "I'm sleepy." Lilly said. "Let's get some rest then." I said. "Alright." Lilly said. I made sure Barnaby laid down then I carried Lilly up into my room. Once in the bedroom we went to bed.

A second chance at life Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt