Cԋαρƚҽɾ VI (6)

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A/n: This chapter will be one of the longer chapters; and will have 2 parts.

Third POV:
Sarah looked at Ashe work on his motorcycle. She wrapped her arms around his arm; and rested her head against his shoulder. "You tend to always make sure your bike isn't broken?" Sarah asked. "Yea." Ashe said as he set down the tool he was using. Sarah expectd him to pick up a different tool but was surprised when he didn't. "Is everything alright?" Sarah asked in a concerned tone as she frowned. "Yea." Ashe said as he wipped his hands off. Sarah watched him as she wasn't entirely convinced that everything was alright. Ashe caught on and placed his hand on her cheek. This made Sarah give him a confused look. "I promise everything is okay." Ashe said.

Ashe leaned closer to her and gently placed his lips against hers. Sarah returned his kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Breaking the kiss Sarah moved to where she was now sitting in Ashe's lap, with her head on his shoulder. "We will have to wake up Danny soon." Ashe said. "I know Ashe. But it's only eight in the morning." Sarah said. "I guess he can sleep a little longer." Ashe said. Sarah nodded her head as sat in Ashe's lap. Ashe held her in his lap with his arms wrapped around her waist. "I'm guessing since it was only the two of you, he got up early." Sarah said. "Y-yea. He was all I had." Ashe said, his voice breaking a bit. "I'm here as well now. You have me with you." Sarah said as she pulled him closer. Ashe looked at her and nodded as he held her in his arms. "I'm not going anywhere Ashe." Sarah said. "I know." Ashe said as he kissed her. Sarah returned his kiss as she kept her arms wrapped around his neck. "I love you." Sarah said. "I love you too." Ashe said. Sarah's phone had then begun to ring. Sarah took it out and saw an unknown number. She still decided to answer it. "Hello?" Sarah said questioningly.

"Hey." Shelly said. "Shelly?" Sarah said questioningly. "Yea. Eric wanted to know if you and Ashe wanted to come over for Halloween." Shelly said. "Sure. But we'd need to bring Danny with us." Sarah asked. "Not an issue." Shelly said. "I'll talk to Ashe about it then." Sarah said. "Okay. I love you." Shelly said. "I love you too Shelly." Sarah said as she hung up the phone. "Who was that?" Ashe asked. "Shelly." Sarah said. "Is she okay?" Ashe asked. "Yea. Her and Eric want to know if we wanted to come over for Halloween." Sarah said. "What about Danny?" Ashe asked. "They don't mind him with us." Sarah said. "Alright Sarah." Ashe said.

Ashe's POV:
An hour later Sarah and I decided to wake Danny up. I watched him wake up while rubbing his eyes. "Good morning Danny." I said. "Morning." Sarah said. "Good morning dad. Morning Sarah." Danny said. "Danny, we are going to go visit Sarah's friends with her for Halloween." I said, as Danny climb out of his bed. "Ok dad." Danny said as he hugged me. I hugged him back as I picked him up. "I don't like you and him sleeping like this." Sarah said. "What else are we supposed to do?" I asked. "Stay with me." Sarah said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes Ashe." Sarah said as she rested her hand against my cheek.

I looked at her silently for a bit before speaking. "Alright." I said as I held Danny in my arms. I smiled as Danny rested his head on my shoulder, as I held him. "I love you dad." Danny said. "I love you too." I said. I then put Danny down and told him to get dressed. Sarah smiled as she looked at me; and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you Ashe." Sarah said. "I love you too Sarah." I said. Once we were ready I sat Danny on my lap as I sat on my motorcycle; and Sarah sat behind me. Soon I rode until we made it to Eric and Shelly's place in Detroit.

I parked the car and got off after Sarah did, with Danny in my arms. I walked with Sarah as she led the way up to Eric's apartment. Once we arrived Sarah had knocked on their door. Soon the door opened revealing Eric. "I'm glad you all cool come." Eric said. "Hi Eric!" Sarah said as she hugged him. After he returned her hug, she ran over to Shelly; and hugged Shelly. "Hello Ashe." Eric said "Hi Eric." I said as I held Danny in my arms. "Is that your son?" Eric asked. "Yes this is my son Danny." I said. "He seems so sweet." Eric said making me smile. "He is." I said. "Well don't be a stranger, come in." Eric said. I nodded and walked in with him.

Sarah's POV:
I smiled as I chatted with Shelly. "Sarah, who's that?" Shelly asked as she pointed at Ashe. "He's Ashe Corven. And the little boy in his arms is his son Danny Corven." I said. "He's been with someone else before?" Shelly asked. "Yea but she left him and Danny." I said. "That's so hurtful." Shelly said. "I agree." I said. "Are you two together?" Shelly asked. "Yes." I said with a small smile. "I'm glad. I'm sure you'll both be very happy." Shelly said. "Thank you Shelly." I said. "You're welcome Sarah." Shelly said. I then walked with Shelly over too Eric; and Ashe. "It seems that Danny fell asleep." I said. "Yea." Ashe said as he held Danny. "We have a guest room he could sleep in." Shelly said as she held her hands out. I noticed Ashe seemed to be conflicted it.

I knew that he wasn't sure about giving Danny to Shelly, as I was the only female he trusted with him. "It's alright Ashe. She won't hurt him. After all she pretty much raised me with Eric." I said. Ashe nodded and gave Danny over. Shelly and Eric took him to the room. I wrapped my arm around Ashe and rubbed his back to help him calm himself. "He'll be alright. I promise Ashe." I said. "I know." Ashe said. I leaned up and pressed my lips against his. I then wrapped my other arm around him as he kissed back. "I love you Ashe." I said. "I love you too." Ashe said.

I kept my arms around Ashe's neck as he held me. Eric then walked out with Shelly and we all sat down together. "So what's it like to have a child?" Shelly asked. "It's hard sometimes, but it's nice." Ashe said. I smiled as I intertwined my fingers with Ashe's. "How are you two?" Eric asked. "We're fine." I said with a smile as Ashe nodded his head. After a few hours Eric and Shelly went to their rooms. I then helped Ashe up and took him to the guest room beside the one next to Danny's.

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