GrApe jAm

29 5 2

[Summary at the bottom of the page; a lot of reading! ]

No it's not grape jam okay, in not even sure what it is exactly

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No it's not grape jam okay, in not even sure what it is exactly

I haven't drawn Echo in a long time, it's been a while
If you haven't notice I changes one tiny detail about him and that's the coloring of his ears
Also, I tried a new way of drawing teeth, if you didn't notice
It not much, I just made the canines thinner and more curved and the front teeth blocks instead of individual teeth
I've been looking a lot at art and stuff and gathered some inspiration from the art

I was listening to Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo while drawing this, I guess you can say it gave me a little inspiration for the colors and theme

This was drawn, what? Two, three days ago as a stress reliever if you could even call it that? There wasn't anything in particular, it was just about school and stuff
Being a freshman is literally kicking my ass with all this work and test in the first four weeks of school, my grades are good considering how little my mom has been checking them and reminding me to do things, I'm getting somewhat better at keeping up with /most/ of my work assignments
So that's a good thing

Really, I just wanted to draw something quick and easy during the weekend, and Echo is sorta a easy character for me to draw, despite his broad color palette and specific details
I also didn't want to spend to much time working on a piece either, I had a bit of art-block and I couldn't draw any full-bodies or landscapes, so this is why this is here also

That's it
ily /p

[ TL;DR: Stress reliever, wanted to draw a quick piece of art, it's not grape jam ]

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