Bloody Rumours

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A/N: Jordan I love your stories like a lot! Chris Heywood is like oh god i have no words, you are a literary genius so i am dedicating this chapter to you to show you how much i love your books  :)

Oh and I am not really proud of this chapter but whatever it is 3 days earlier than i promised so yeah...enjoy! 

People say lying leads to more lying, therefore, you shouldn't lie. But who actually listens to crap like that? My theory is that when you have a good reason to, you should lie. I don't particularly enjoy or appreciate lying, it makes me feel guilty and the worst part is that sometimes I don't remember my lies. It gets really tenacious keeping track of all the lies I told whom. The very first time I lied was when I was 6 years old, well it can't be my very first lie, but it is the one that I remember and it also pops out the most.

My best friend at the time was Maya and she was very excited to go to Jaslyn's birthday party, which I was not invited to. Jaslyn and I weren't very tight, so, she didn't invite me, not that I care. I wanted to have a sleepover with Maya and a few of my other friends, but Maya wanted to go to Jaslyn's stupid party instead.

"Mariah! What should I wear to the party? I have nothing to wear! Please let me borrow something of yours," Maya whined.

Maya's dressing sense was as bad as an old man's memory who is suffering from Alzheimer's, that made no sense, but you got my drift. Maya almost always lets me dress her up because she claims that I am way more fashionably forward than she is.

I nodded my head at Maya and stood up to go fetch something from my closet. Once I was in my walk-in closet-which is not really a walk in, but more like a janitor's closet; I started looking through all my clothes to find something good enough for a party.

My upset mind and broken heart was scheming revenge and what made matters worse was when my gaze fell upon a puke-green jumpsuit. Well, perfect opportunity for revenge, she ditched me and now I am going to ditch my "goody-two shoes" persona for a bit.

I didn't give myself enough time to start feeling guilty and grabbed the jumpsuit and walked out of the closet and proudly tossed the ugly fabric at my friend.

As soon as she got the jumpsuit securely in her hands her eyes lit up. I was confused by her reaction I mean fashionista or not that color is plain ugly, but I guess it's for the better that she likes it and now I won't have to lie to her in order to make her wear it.

Maya quickly stripped out of her clothes and got inside her "party clothes" and stood grinning in front of me. I was dreading the million dollar question I knew she will ask me, but I was ready, it's now or never.

"How do I look?" She asked me still grinning.

"You look beautiful," I replied with a smile, but it probably looked more like that face Jenna Marbles made in her video, "How to Avoid Talking to People You Don't Want to Talk To."

Whatever my expression was Maya didn't notice and skipped out of my room after yelling "Goodbye."

In my opinion after that horrible thing I did to Maya, I should've never even thought about lying to her again, but she was trying to go after my boyfriend and THAT is not acceptable.

Another piece of paper came flying out of nowhere and landed on desk.

What? Mr. Simmons is gay? How do you know this? How come no one else knows this? -Maya

I kept myself from smirking at her gullibility. Well, I am glad she bought it, now she will stay away from him.

I went skating a few weeks ago and I saw him there kissing a guy, so, I assumed he was gay-Mariah

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