Safe Place

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It was like a dream waking up to the sun glistening through the curtains, beaming onto their skin. If someone had told her five years ago that she would be able to wake up  in a pure bliss of happiness just because she'd be able to feel his warmth beside her, she would've laughed. But now, it all seems too real as they both relish in the feelings of each other, each and every day.

Veronica awoke with a hand instantly shooting up, in an attempt to cover the sun from blinding her. She turned and almost immediately gained a small smile at the sight of her lover who looked so peaceful and content with no worries on his mind. She brushed a strand of his red hair away from his forehead, her soft touch awakening him.

"I can feel you staring at me" he smirked, his eyes still shut. She flinched, sitting up slightly and averted her eyes elsewhere feeling slightly embarrassed that he caught her. Archie opened his eyes, looking at her as if she hung the moon and the stars.

"Well I can't help it, can I?" She said, turning back to look at him. The smile never left his face as he pulled her down, connecting their lips. They share the first of many kisses that awaits them that day, just like every other day.

He sighs as they pull apart, tucking a loose strand of her raven hair behind her ear. She smiled ear to ear before glancing over to the clock on the nightstand. Veronica's eyes bulged at the sight, immediately alarmed as she hastily shook off the covers. "Omg, i'm gonna be late for work!" She tied her hair up in a loose bun but before she could go, she felt a tug on her arm and was met with a familiar pair of lips.

She giggled softly before practically bolting towards the bathroom, turning on the water to take a quick shower. Archie laid back down, his arms crossed behind his head. He glanced at the closed bathroom door and decided to go start some work downstairs.

They weren't the type to fight over little things that much, they were always content with each other. They had a routine set, they both did different things around the house contributing to their responsibility of living together. You'd think it would eventually get boring but these two? They could never get bored of one another. They had occasional quarrels but never anything too serious because neither of them could handle being mad at the other for too long.

A few months ago, it was her idea to move in and he didn't even hesitate to give her an answer, immediately saying yes. They didn't want to continue dreading over lost time but instead took a decision like adults and it was one of the best yet.

As she stepped out of the bathroom in her usual work attire, an amazing smell filled up her nostrils. Veronica smiled knowing he was gonna force her to eat something, not wanting her to start a long day on an empty stomach. When they first moved in, Veronica always tried to leave without eating as it was already a habit but he never budged. Though he thinks it's his begging that makes her eat but it's the thought of Archie choosing to make breakfast for her instead of sleeping in, makes her feel all bubbly inside so she caves.

She basically pranced down the stairs like a child, feeling all happy. She sat on one the kitchen stools and rested her head into her hands, watching Archie cook. He turned around and placed a plate of pancakes and fruits in front of her. Not being able to help herself she went around to where he was and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, I love you." Now it was him not being able to help it as he visibly blushed, her effect on him never varying off. He kissed her forehead, beaming a smile at her, "anything for you, love." She sat back down, taking a bite of what he made for her.

"So what will you do all day lover?" She questioned. Most days he goes around over to the construction site and handles some work but ever since his uncle, Frank, has been around, he doesn't go everyday. She works at her jewelry store on the weekdays and does her share of house duties on the weekend.

"Miss you of course" He said slyly though it wasn't a lie. He preferred the days where he was off to work as well because at least he's somewhat distracted and not fully clouded with the thoughts of her. She blushed this time, bowing her head down slightly. "That's an awful lot of time, are you sure you can handle it? Maybe I should call off w-"

"No no you go on. You're getting late!" He cut her off. She rolled her eyes, chuckling slightly before standing up and collecting her bag and all her essentials. He shoved a paper bag with her lunch in it as if it was her first day at school.

"Alright mother, calm down. Try not to miss me so much Archiekins" She winked at him as they reached the front door. He crossed his arms, staring into her eyes. "That I can't do Ronnie," he laughed, kissing her passionately as she cupped his cheeks.

She left after a couple of kisses goodbye and he closed the door, already grumbling in boredom. Archie walked in the living room and dropped down onto the sofa, turning on the tv to a random channel. This was the worst part of his day, being without her.

After a few long hours of cleaning up around the house and doing some of his own things, he hears her car pull up. Archie practically sprints to the front door, not being able to help himself anymore.

His eagerness seeped right through as she approached the door, unbeknownst to her as he stood before her. Veronica fumbles with her keys but as soon as she's in arms reach, Archie engulfs her into his arms. She melts, having a long day at work tiring her out and she's finally home. Yes, the destination but him, he's always been her home.

"Let's get you inside." She doesn't let go, resting her head on his chest. He steers her towards the couch and sets her down before slipping off her heels. A simple but sweet favour he does that makes her heart soar. Veronica cuddles more into his side if that's even possible and closes her eyes.

"I missed you so much," she murmurs. He smiles and rubs his thumb on her cheekbone. "I bet I missed you more, this house is boring without you in it"

She chuckles, resting her chin on his hard chest, looking up at him through her eyelashes. Archie looks back down at her with adoration clear in his eyes. Veronica perches up, kissing him so softly though it spoke for so many words she was too tired to say. He kissed her back, smiling at the familiar sensation of her soft lips that he had dreaded to feel against his all day.

"Rest my love, I'll be here when you wake up." And she knows. He runs his fingers through Veronica's hair, knowing it calms her down. Her eyes fail to keep open any longer so she allows herself to fall because she knows that all her worries disappear when she's with him. Archie presses soft kisses to her hairline and vows to only bring peace to her life because to him, she's an angel.

Home, a simple concept. Some may know it to be an object, a man made structure and some confide home in an individual. She found her home in him a long time ago and so did he. No matter faith's attempt, their ways back to each other are forever tied together. They've always
been and always will be each other's safe place.



i hope you are all doing well! i wrote a little something though i don't promise to be here actively still. i've written this based on my knowledge of what's going on in riverdale and what should've happened. i don't watch riverdale and for obvious reasons only watched 5x17. but as i've heard, the writers are biased and are forcing a ship 20% of the fandom ships and have already broken up varchie in today's episode. yay! canon archie andrews doesn't exist to me. but i really don't care bc i've wasted enough braincells on this brainless show.

anyway take care of yourselves! i'll catch up again soon :)

(also i changed my user bc yeah)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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