I would never

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A/N: Just saying, in this Veronica and Archie have never dated before and are just fRiEnDS

Today was an important day and loved by most teens. It was prom and what was Archie Andrews doing?

Archie was collapsed on his bed, staring at his ceiling. He was thinking on how things could've gone way better then they were but it wasn't the end of the world was what he kept telling himself. He sighed heavily and checked the digital clock on his bed side table which read, 10:07. All his friends were out with dates enjoying themselves while he still had an image of the rejection he faced 1 week ago.


Archie's palms were getting sweaty as he approached the Pembroke. Smithers let him up and Archie took deep breaths before knocking on the lodge's door.

After a minute or two, Archie had came face to face with Veronica Lodge.

Veronica lodge. She was the most prettiest girl in Riverdale high in fact Riverdale itself. Boys were throwing themselves at her feet and constantly begging for her attention.

"Hey Ronnie" Archie nervously smiled.

"Archiekins. What's up?" She stepped aside and let him in.

"So um prom is in a week and I was maybe you know wondering i- uh oh god" Veronica looked at him confused.

"Would you be my date to prom?" he took out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and outstretched his arm to give them to her.

Veronica's breath hitched but then she disappointedly looked at him.

"I would absolutely love to Archie but I was already going with Reggie" she smiled sadly.

"Oh" was all he could make out.

"I'm sorry Archie I really am. I'm sure you'll find a gorgeous date and even if you don't, you can always join us"

"It's fine. Honestly. I'll see you around then?" He faked a smile.

"Yeah definitely" she smiled back.

As soon as Archie walked out of the Pembroke, he threw the flowers away in the bin and continued his walk home.

Archie sighed and buried his face into his pillow. Since he had nothing better to do and as his dad was gone out of town, he put on a pair of shorts because he was only wearing his boxers and headed downstairs. He looked around the kitchen for something he could make without burning the house down but failed to do so when there was a knock at the door.

He approached the door and swung it open. His heart stopped. It was Veronica. She was soaking wet due to the rain outside, her makeup was dribbling down her cheeks, her eyes were red and puffy. To Archie, she still looked beautiful. She was wearing a black dress that fell just above her knees.

"Hey Archie" her voice cracking.

"Omg here come in" she entered the house still shivering like crazy.

"Hold on I'll go get you a towel. You're freezing" Archie said as he lightly squeezed her hand before running back up.

He came back within seconds and wrapped a fluffy towel around her. He walked her over to the couch and sat down once she did.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She looked up at him and erupted in another fit of tears. He gently held her, trying his best to calm her down. After a while she pulled back and whispered,

"I know I shouldn't have showed up here after I rejected you. It's just Reggie stood me up for some other girl. I had dreamed of this day as a little kid and I wanted it to be perfect but instead I had to watch everyone else dance since I had no one else to dance with" Archie felt his blood boil.

"I'm sorry Ronnie, Reggie's a dumbass"

"It's not your fault, I know you wouldn't do anything like that to me" both of their eyes went wide after realising what she had just said.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" Archie nodded.

"But you're right I wouldn't" Archie lifted her chin making her face him. She inched closer, their lips centimetres apart. Veronica couldn't take it anymore so she closed up the gap and a spark went off inside the two that they've never felt with anybody else. Their lips moved in sync and Archie slowly pulled back, catching his breath.

"Should I- should I drop you home or"

"Can I stay here? If only you want me to though" she asked.

"Of course. Let's just maybe head up to my room so you can um change just in case you get you know sick" he rambled, nervously.

Veronica chuckled to herself before simply nodding and following up his lead. They entered his room and Veronica looked around it.

"So Spider-Man huh?" She pointed to the A-3 sized poster that was on his wall.

"Hey! I was 12 and there's nothing wrong with liking Spider-Man" he said in defence.

They both laughed and Archie went over to his dresser and pulled out one of his shirts and a hoodie.

"Here. I would've given you sweatpants but I'd think they'd be too big for you. Unless! You want them" he scratched the back of his neck.

"No this is fine. Thank you Archie" he handed over the clothes and she disappeared into his bathroom. She came back out wearing what he gave her (which were quite big on her) and she had washed off the make up that was smeared around on her face.

"Omg Archie. Why didn't you tell me that I looked like a mess?!" Yet again, Archie's heart stopped at the sight of her in his clothes. She looked adorable. He was too busy staring to even notice she said something.

"Archie!" She waved her hand in front of his face capturing his attention.

"You look cute" he blurted out. She blushed and looked down.


"Yes, really. You do" he said seriously.

"Oh wow um thanks" This time Archie took a step closer and kissed her again.

His heart was racing but he didn't care at that point. It was what he's always wanted to do. His hands snaked around her waist and he picked her up slightly, not wanting to lean down anymore.

A/N: Even though this sucks, I'm kinda proud of it ngl lmao

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