Distant memory

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It was her last night in Riverdale before she went off to college. It was crazy to think that just over 2 years ago, Veronica was forced to move, start a new life in the so called 'town with pep'. But now she had a new journey awaiting.

To celebrate all of their last nights together, Veronica invited few of her friends over to the Pembrooke. The friends only being; Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Reggie, Jughead and Fangs. There were two other people who had the chance to be there as well but their past choices didn't make it some what acceptable.

A few drinks were scattered around the coffee table, music played in the back ground as they all recalled their fondest memories with each other. Although every time one of them would share something that included either Betty or Archie, Veronica and jughead would awkwardly turn their gaze away from
everyone and sat in discomfort.

Unexpectedly, the doorbell rang once but it was not to be heard over the loud music. It rang again but they all stayed in their positions, not hearing it. Finally on the third ring, Veronica's ears perked up and she excused herself before making her way to the brown, wood door. She tip toed, looking through the peephole only to see a flash of red hair. She hesitated but nonetheless opened it and in a matter of seconds she was face to face with her ex-boyfriend.

"Hey" he started.

Veronica forced a smile and avoided eye contact with him. She knew that if she would look at him long enough, she would want to cry, hate him all over again for what he did. But after all it's not that easy to stop loving someone, she just didn't know how he did.

"After what I did, I don't deserve to be here but I just wanted to drop off some of your stuff that, thought it'd be better" Her eyes traveled down to the faint brown cardboard box Archie held.

"Yeah um..thanks" She outstretched her arms to take it from him. She felt his fingers brush against his and almost immediately pulled away grasping the box.

Veronica watched him turn away into darkness of the night, leaving without a final goodbye. She didn't know how long she stood there for but when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she sprung around and hadn't noticed the tear that managed to roll down her cheek.

"Who was it- V, are you okay?" Cheryl asked slightly confused towards the box in her hand but more so concerned about what caused the tear on her cheek.

"It was Archie, just giving back some things. I'm okay though, I promise." Anybody could see the pain she had hidden behind those eyes. She refused to show any emotion after what went down with her and Archie's relationship, it was sorta a shock to see her cry now.

"I'll just go put this in my room" she whispered.

Despite whatever questions Cheryl had, she just nodded and watched the raven haired girl walk away. She knew it'd be better to just leave it be and continue their night.

After the dreaded goodbyes and hugs were over, Veronica was left alone. She sat on her bed and stared at the box. The little voice in her head  seem to tell her to not open it, it was just gonna be bring back the memories she wanted to forget. But a part of her wanted to see what was inside.

Her small manicured hand traced the edge of the box before opening the flaps and felt tears brim her eyes. There were so many things inclosed in that medium sized box that described their once upon a time happy and loving relationship.

She picked up a white piece of paper that was folded up and placed right on top of the many things. The blank ink and the handwriting she knew so well stared back at her.


I know it may not seem like it anymore but i love you. I always have and I meant it when I said that I could never stop. I was never good enough for you and you deserve so much better and I just want you to be happy. Im so sorry for all the pain I've ever caused you but I never meant to intentionally hurt you. It was stupid enough for me to think that I'd ever love someone the way I love you.

Tears brimmed her eyes and her heart hurt. The memories they ever shared flooded her mind and she just wanted to be 16 again when life was easy, when she was his lover.

Laying in his bed, she took the time to admire her guy, a smile appearing on her face seeing as he seemed so content as he slept. She softly dragged her fingertips against his cheek causing his eyes to slowly open and stare back at hers. He had only just woken up and was already in awe of this angelic girl who he was so proud to call his lover.

"Hi" Archie whispered.

She couldn't wipe that smile off of her face and instead of saying anything back, she leaned forward and kissed him softly. He deepened the kiss and rolled her over so he was on top. She giggled and cupped his cheeks, pulling him closer if that was even possible.

They pulled away almost breathlessly, their lips lingering close brushing against each other's. He looked at her with complete love in his eyes and it was his turn to admire her.


"Nothing, you're just beautiful"

That wasn't reality anymore and it was basically an end of a chapter. Their chapter. She just didn't know if she could ever forgive him.

Gosh Ronnie, I'm so stupid. I've managed to stuff up our relationship everytime and everytime I did, you came back to me. You were always the bigger person in life. Although this time I took it too far and I know that. I thought I was following my heart but in the end I realised how wrong I was. I stopped by today to see you one last time because I don't want my presence to haunt you anymore.

you're going to do so well in college lodge, i know it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you forever and always.

Veronica felt a tightening in her heart, she couldn't breath. She let out a loud sob and dug her hands in her hair, pressing her nails into her scalp. She never believed in love before she met him and now it's like the whole two years of her life she spent with him was all a lie.

Tomorrow she can leave all of this behind, start a new life. It wasn't going to be easy but anything was possible if she tried.

A/N: "you are now and forever the only girl for me"- the one and only Archie Andrews. Damn I really wonder what happened 🥱

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