Welcome home

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A/N: This is just somewhere along the lines of if Archie hadn't skipped towns in 3x10.

Veronica had just finished setting up Le Bonne Nuit for Archie's surprise welcome home party. She cleared his name and Archie was officially a free man. Veronica had only invited the inner circle such as; Betty, Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, Jughead, Reggie and Josie. She put up 'welcome home' banners and decorated the place up with the help of Betty and Jughead.

Kevin was dragging Archie along but Archie being Archie was getting too suspicious and was asking way too many questions that Kevin refused to answer. Archie knew Veronica had cleared his name but of course didn't know about the surprise party thankfully.

Just as the two entered pops, Pop Tate went over and welcomed Archie back before letting them down to Le Bonne Nuit. Kevin quickly shot Veronica a message saying that they were coming down. Kevin lead Archie down and it was pitch black. Perfect.

"Kevin where's Ronn-"

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone screamed. The lights were switched back on and Archie was stunned. A huge smile spread on his face.

Just then, Veronica ran up to her boyfriend. He planted a kiss on her forehead and embraced her into a tight hug. He absolutely loved being able to hold her again.

"I love you" Veronica mumbled.

"I love you" Archie mumbled back. They pulled away and the others greeted Archie.

After a while, Veronica called everyone over to a small table where she had a cake and written on it was 'welcome home, my Archiekins'. Archie found it adorable how she did all this for him. Kevin instantly pulled out his phone to record what Veronica had planned to do and to of course keep a memory of one of his favourite couples.

Everyone clapped after Archie cut the cake but before he knew it, Reggie and Veronica had pulled down he's face and smashed it into the cake. They all laughed.

"You are so gonna pay for this lodge!" Veronica let out a scream and ran around trying to avoid her cake-covered boyfriend. He chased after her and pulled her into passionate kiss. Eyes closed, Veronica whispered,

"You taste like cake" she opened her eyes and swiped some frosting onto her finger from Archie's cheek and licked it. A/N: if you've seen that one video which is "what jingle jangle does to your brain",  you'll know this part 😉

"Strawberry. Nice" they both chuckled and Archie went to go clean up.

Few hours passed and it was just the two left. Archie sat on a stool with Veronica on his lap.

"I'm really proud of you Veronica" he said seriously.

"This place looks amazing. You have no idea how much I missed you. I can't thank you enough Ronnie. If it wasn't for you I'd still be slumming it in one those jail cells. Also this party was amazing. Thank you"

"I'd do anything for you" Veronica whispered as she played with his hand that was rested on her leg.

"Me too" he kissed her lovingly. She laid her head back on to his chest and he ran his hand through her soft raven hair.

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