Believe me ?

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No one was in the class as it had ended and everyone was gone home. Veronica however stayed behind to get all of her things together but there was someone else in that classroom. Archie.

Veronica was a nerd. She would wear thick black glasses, skirt, knee high socks and a buttoned up shirt. She loved maths. Kevin was her only friend left, Cheryl and Betty chose popularity over her. Classic.

Veronica got up from her seat and as she walked towards the door Archie closed the door and walked towards her.

Now Archie Andrews. The school's jock and musician. Every girl would swoon over him. But he only had an eye on one girl. The one he is now walking towards to.

Veronica walked backwards as he kept on approaching her. She accidentally dropped her books but kept on walking back as he stared into her eyes. Veronica reached the back of the classroom and her back was now against the wall.

Archie smirked and went so close to her that there was hardly no space between them both. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her body close to his. Fireworks burst through her body at his touch. Archie kept his eyes on hers.

He leaned in after taking a glance at her pink lips. Archie kissed her ever so gently. He soon pulled away, staring into her eyes again.

"Hey..." she looked up at him who had a smile spread across his face.

"What was that and why ?"

"Isn't it obvious Ronnie ? I like you ! A lot..." He caressed her left cheek.

"No. No ur just... ur just playing with me. All jocks do"

"No what i-" she shoved him and quickly picked up her books before sprinting out the door.

Veronica was pulled back and this time Archie had kissed her roughly, not letting her go. Veronica was in complete shock but she soon melted in the kiss. They were both out of breath. He pressed their foreheads together.

"I am NOT like the others. I like you Veronica. I've had a crush on you since..... FOREVER !"
Veronica giggled and held his face in her small hands. (A/N: ummmm let's just forget that she ain't holding the books)

"I like you too Archie." He embraced her in a tight hug.

If you look at them both now, you'd be surprised. They had a daughter, Abigail Cecilia Andrews. Archie and Veronica were married at the age of 21. They couldn't be happier.


Part 2 ?? With their daughter ?

Hey ! I should be sleeping buttttt here I am ! (Sorry sis)

Now my all time favourite scene is that scene under the tree from the final episode. She called him 'Archiekins' after sooo long ! We made it through hell waiting for the writers to finally get them back together.

Sorry I haven't been getting any sleep. All I hear is the stupid veggie's crying. Sucks for them. 😂🤷‍♀️🥳

I aM tRuLY sORrY iF i OfFendEd AnYOnE

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