Author's Note: Sorry!

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I wish I was here to say, hey! New chapter coming soon! Don't worry! Alas.........., I'm not. 

I thought this was going to be a quick chapter and then I could get to the good stuff. Lore building stuff, not the ::waggle eyebrows:: stuff. HOWEVER, Owen and Sang, (mainly Owen) felt that I was moving things a little too quickly, and staged a bit of a protest until I went back and majorly adjusted the pacing. 

It looks like we've got the problems worked out, even if someone is still chattier than I would like (OWEN!), and of last night, I finally have made progress on the scene. I think I managed to get Sang on my side last night, so...., yeah. 

The (slightly) good news is that, due to SOMEONE'S interference, I'm at 1100 words. And that's BEFORE any... uh... most....? of the ::waggle eyebrow:: stuff. So, if you aren't into that kinda stuff, you should still have a good amount to read. 

I will be placing warnings on the top of the chapter and at various points in the chapter, and I'll probably add a TS;DR (Too Spicy; Didn't Read) summary chapter afterwards. Please let me know if you want the TS;DR. 

Aight, I've filled ya'll in, so I'm going to go back to cleaning my office before my boss gets in and then get back to work on this MESS of a chapter. 

Side Note: I now have 3 other stories I want to work on once this is over! Once I start getting this wrapped up, I'll probably post a poll or something, asking which one ya'll'd like to see first. (Is Ya'll'd even a word? Eh, is now.)

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