He makes you feel insecure (ethan)

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When you were younger, people would always make fun of your weight. But you didnt care. You order food and gad dinner with yoyr boyfriend, Ethan. "Baby, can you pass another chicken wing" you asked. "Are you sure y/n, you've been eating alot lately" he says. That just torn your heart into pieces. "Um...sorry...i haven't noticed" you said trying not to cry. "Excuse me a minute" you say running up the stairs. You went into the bathroom and started cutting your wrists little by little. You hated being fat. But now, Ethan made a comment that just broke your heart. You heard the door open and saw ethan standing there with a shocked look. "y/n, what are you doing" he asked. You just stood up and started crying. "You know how insecure i am about my weight and you told me that i keep eating too much!" you say. "Baby, i didnt mean it. Im so stupid. Im very sorry!" Ethan says. He starts poking your ribs which makes you laugh because he knows yohr ticklish. You guys went back downstairs and Ethan ended up being the fatty.

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