#93 Reunited

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Ethan: You and ethan have been bestfriends since third grade. He was like a brother to you. You just never got a chance to tell him your feelings. Unfortunately, it was too late. You and your parents had to move and decided to move to New Jersey. You lived in California. Its been 8 years since you left. You are now 16. You left California when you were 8. You were walking on the boardwalk. You went to go get icecream and sat down in the sand looking at the sunset. You looked down at your wrist to see a bracelet that Ethan gave you before you left. It said 'BestFriends 4Ever'. Ethan had the other half. As you were about to leave, a young guy got your attention. He was really cute. "Excuse me, do you have a napkin" he said. "Uh yeah sure" you said. You handed him a napkin. He looked down at your wrist and saw the bracelet. "Cool bracelet" he said. "Thanks. My bestfriend gave it to me" you said. "Where is she" he said. "He...he's back in California" you said. "Why are you here" he said. "My parents had to move. It sucks because i never told him how i felt" you said looking down. "By any chance does that bracelet say bestfriends forever" he said. "Yeah why" you said. He showed you his wrist. You gasped.
"E-ethan!" you said. He smiled. "Long time no see" he said. You jumped on him and wrapped your legs around his waist. "OH GOD! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" you yelled. He laughed and put you down. "I never told you how.i felt either" ethan said. "I love you y/n. I always have" he said. A tear fell down your cheek. He pulled you in close and kissed you for what felt like forever.

"Im sorry gray. I have no choice. My parents wont let me stay" you said as you cried. "Its okay y/n, hopefully I'll see you in the future. But i want you to have this" grayson said. He handed you a locket necklace. "Its beautiful. But promise me one thing" you said. He just looked at you. "Never forget me" you said. He brang you into a warm hug. "Bye grayson. Best friends for life. Dont forget!" you yelled as the car drove you away.
*end of flashback*
Its been 8 years since you left home. You had to live in New Jersey because of buisness issues with your dad. You went outside for some fresh air. You grabbed your penny board and went to the park. You sat by a tree and played on your phone. "Sorry to bother you but i was wondering if youhae directions to North of 23rd street" a teenage boy said. "Yeah, you just go all the way down then make a left and your right there" you said. "Thanks" he said. "anytime" you said. He saw the locket on your neck. "Say, where did you get that locket" he asked. "Oh this, ny really close bestfriend gave this to me before i left to live in New Jersey" you replied. "Oh, boy or girl" he asked. "Boy. We've known eachother since 5th grade. And the flashback of me leaving Cali kees replaying in my head" you said as you stood up. He eyed you from top to bottom. "Can i see your locket very quick" he asked. You took off the necklace and passed it to him. The locket contains a key. He flipped it over. "Only a key opens this heart" he read aloud. You just stared at him in confusion. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny key. He suddenly unlocked the heart and handed it to you. "Oh my god...Grayson" you whispered. A tear fell down your cheek. You jumped on him and hugged him tight. "I COULDNT STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU!!! I MISSED YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!!" you yelled. "I couldnt stop thinking about you either. You know, I've held this key for 8 years. And i knew that you were the one who had my heart" grayson said. You smiled and went in for another hug. "It feels so good to hug you again" you said. "Me too y/n...me too" grayson said. And from there on, thats where you had the most amazing relationship.

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