Falling over whilst standing still

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Phoenix POV

The days passed quickly and soon enough Gun came through her hat portal. We dumped my stuff inside and jumped though. Travelling by hat is really cool, once you're in the hat you end up in a room with a bunch of doorways. We went over to the one that would take us to London and set it to take us to platform 9 3/4 like it said on the tickets an owl gave us. When we come out it would look like we went through the barrier just like everyone else. I used my Pixie dust to create 4 trollies like the ones the people had on the other side of the doorway. Gun and I loaded our trunks onto our trolleys along with our pets. Bullet got a snowy white kitten, then dyed parts of the poor kitten light blue, she named her Crescent, I have no idea why. I got a Pitch black kitten and named her Shadow. After we put our stuff on the trollies a bunch of stuff appeared in the centre of the circular room and Scar and Winnie also appeared.

"Hey" I greeted them.

"Hey" They replied in sync

After Scar and Winnie were done putting their stuff on their trolleys including their pets, Scar walked through the doorway. Winnie got a brown barn owl that she named Coco and Scarlet got a fluffy Orange kitten with blue eyes, she named him Red. After Scar, Winnie walked through, then it was me and last was Gun. When Gun came out she had her hat back on. A whistle blew and it brought me back to the real world there in front of me was the most incredible scarlet steam train I have ever seen. It was the Hogwarts Express.

"Hey look there's Lily" Winnie said as she spotted Lily's bright red hair in the crowd.

We ran towards where she was, next to her was a boy with long greasy black hair and a hooked nose wearing black.

"Hey Lily!" I might have yelled but I am really excited, can you blame me?

"Hey Phoenix, Winnie" She said back, looking questionably at our crazy haired friends. "This is Severus Snape... Sev this is Phoenix" she said pointing us out "and Winter-Blaze, But she likes to be called Winnie"

"I am going to call you Sevy-kins.... The names Bullet Hatter but people call me Gun." Bullet announced.

"Don't mind her, she hit her head on the way here," I whispered to Sev and Lil, Yeah I have nicknames for them got a problem with that.

"Says the person that fell over while standing still." Scar sniggered. I need to learn how to whisper.

"Its not my fault my legs decided to stop wor-" I was cut off because I... well... I fell over... again.

"Ow." I said in a monotone, "I totally meant to do that" I tried, and failed to save it, whilst getting up.

"Ahh. I think we should get on the train and find a compartment before there is none..." Sev said awkwardly "Or before she falls over again," He whispered to himself, but I heard because I am awesome.

"I am Scarlet. Scarlet Heart. Not that anyone cares." Scar said hating not getting any attention.

"How am I friends with you people?" I asked myself.

"Don't know-" Gun Started

"But you're the-" Winnie Continued

"One who chooses-" Scar said

"to hang out with us" They finished together.

"Woah" Sev breathed.

"Yeah" Lil said simply.

"To the train. Before this gets even more awkward," Gun whispered the last part so only Scar, Winnie and I could hear.

So we put our stuff on the train except for their trunks that had their uniforms and robes in them and my satchel that I put my stuff in. We got onto the train and found a compartment in the middle towards the back. They put their stuff up the top and I put my satchel next to me... it was mine and nobody gets to touch it but me. As everyone was seated I grabbed out my sketchbook and started to draw as the others started talking about what houses they wanted to be in.

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