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Phoenix P.O.V

When we arrived in London we walked to a little pub called 'The leaky caldron', It could only be seen by witches and wizards this was so that Muggle's don't go snooping. When we entered we got a couple of strange looks, I guess it was because of the fact that I was wearing brown ruffly cut shorts with a green vine as a belt and a dark green short sleeved t-shirt. In my brown curly hair was a crown of Fire- Flowers, Blue-Bells and Tiger lilies, that was put together by Winnie (Fire-flowers), Blue (Blue-Bells) and Lily (Tiger Lilies). They had given it to me as a present on my 'Birthday', I don't actually remember my birthday and we don't have dates or months in Neverland or Narnia so we just sort of have one day every once and a while where we give presents to each other. Anyway. Winnie was also gaining some attention in her Long brown pants and white button up shirt with her Narnian style belt, Along with her silver flower Tiara sitting in her straight dark brown hair with natural snow white tips. But seriously they had no room to talk they were all wearing robes and cloaks, some were even trying, and failing, to pull of muggle clothes.

I shrugged, "Follow me" I said to Winnie.

I lead her out back to where there was a brick wall and a couple of trash cans. I walked up to the red brick wall and reached into my small leather pouch that is hooked onto my green vine belt. You needed a wand to open the door to 'Diagon Alley', and seeing as though I didn't have a wand I needed a substitute. Pixie dust. I always have some with me, in case of emergencies. You see Pixie dust is very powerful it holds the power of Neverland and can do almost anything in the right hands. The only thing it can't do is bring the dead back to life, Nothing can bring the dead back to life. I pulled my hand out of the small pouch and in my fingertips was a pinch of shimmering gold dust.

"Ready?" I asked Winnie whilst making the Pixie dust sit on the palm of my hand.

She gave an excited nod and was sort of jumping up and down.

I put my hand out in front of me and had my palm facing up. I took a deep breath of air in and blew the pixie dust at the brick wall thinking about what I wanted. The next thing I knew the bricks were moving and the hole was getting bigger and bigger. Once the hole was big enough for us to walk though I turned to look at Winnie, she had a look of pure wonder on her face.

I smirked, something I do a lot, "Welcome to Diagon Alley" I told her.

"Nice" We laughed at her choice of words and walked into the busy mess of Wizards and Witches and Owls and other students.

Winnie stopped suddenly and grabbed my arm.

"Nixy? Where are we going?"



"In this world we need money so we can pay for stuff."

"But..." She was confused, in Narnia there are no banks or money, you would trade for things. I wouldn't know what money was either if I didn't spend the first 10 years of my life in this world, so its understandable.

"Don't worry about it, I have this old key to a volt, with a bunch of money, or gold as you would call it, in it. So we are all set."

She seemed to understand it a bit more now, because she nodded and we continued walking to Gringotts. When we entered I notice there was 3 people at the end of the hall talking to a goblin. Yes a Goblin. Winnie was staring at the creatures in wonder. There are many different creatures in Narnia but not goblins, there are centaurs, fauns, mermaids, talking animals, dryads and many more but not goblins.

"Are they?..." she asked trailing off as she took it all in.

"Yes," I said with a slight chuckle, "they are goblins."

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