Too many Gryffindor's

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Phoenix POV

After closing their compartment door Gun went back to where the others where and I continued towards the change rooms. After I changed I went back to Prince and the Girls. When I got back the train stopped and we all looked outside the window to the platform filled with students of all ages. We left our stuff so they could take it to our dorms after they sorted us into our houses. I didn't want anyone to touch my satchel so Prince put it in with his stuff. I think it was just a reason for me to see him again... that boy loves me... friendship kind of love duh. And jokes about the wanting to see me again part, it was because he wanted me to shut up. 

When we were off the train we headed towards the giant man that was calling for the first years. 

" 'irst year's over 'ear!" The giant man kept repeating. 

He had a long untamed black beard and an unruly mess of hair to match, he also looked as if he was a half giant, probably was. But as we got closer I could see his eyes, they looked kind and jolly. 

"No more than four to a boat" He said as we got closer. 

Gun, Scar and Winnie all ran to a boat and a random sat down with them. They all glared at him but soon stopped as they realised he was cute. I shook my head at their behaviour they were acting like they hadn't seen a boy in years. Oh wait... they haven't... well other than the occasional lost boy, but they are all like family. By the time Lil, Prince and I got to the boats they were filled, besides one that had a random Girl in it. She had short red hair, and was quite pretty. We sat down in the boats and the giant man said 'Forward', the boats starter moving towards a great big and beautiful castle and there was a chorus of 'ooo' and 'aaa'. 

I looked into the water because I like looking at reflections of beautiful things and saw the strangest thing. A Giant Squid. I nearly squealed with joy. I love Giant animals... I have NO idea why... But I do. I leaned down closer towards the water to get a better look and... I... well... I Fell in. Why am I so clumsy? Why? Lil called my name and Prince called my nickname. I feel loved... This is not the time Nix! I scolded myself. The Giant Squid's tentacle came towards me. It wrapped around my waist and lifted me out of the water and back onto the boat. I waved at him and he waved back. The other first years were looking at me like I was crazy, Lil and Prince were looking worried and of course Gun, Scar and Winnie were cracking up laughing. Well this is my life. 

I just sat down and pretended like that happened all the time, like it was normal... which it was... but none needs to know that. That was my plan for every stupid thing I did... It didn't usually work, but what the hell. The boats stopped at the other end of the dock and we all got off. The giant man came up to me. I feel special. 

"Are ye' all right?" 

"Yep" I said popping the 'P' "This kind of thing happens ALL the time" I finished smiling widely. 

He gave a deep chuckle and nodded "Well when we get in 'ere i'll get Minerva to get cha' clean'd up."

"ok" I said still smiling.

He lead us up the path to the front doors of the castle. It was cold... Maybe it was because I was wet... but maybe it was just because it is cold... I wasn't sure so I did the logical thing and I asked someone. Prince. 

"Is it cold?" I asked him.

"No..." He said unsurely.

"Oh, then its just me..." I said to myself

"Here" Prince said taking off his robes and placing them around my shoulders.

"Sankyou" I said happily. 

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