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Hello people it is I Cecil and i was wondering if any of you would read a book that had Narnia, Wonderland, Neverland and Hogwarts all in one? Comment on this if you would read it.

It will be about 4 girls.

Bullet Hatter daughter of the Mad Hatter-Wonderland

Scarlet Heart daughter of the Queen of Hearts-Wonderland

Winter-Blaze Aubin daughter of Aslan-Narnia

And Phoenix Igneous The One and Only Lost girl with a mysterious and confussing Past. -Neverland

Bullet, Scarlett, Winter-Blaze and Phoenix will all go to Hogwarts. It will be set in the Marauders Era and IF There is a sequel it will be set in the Golden trio's Era. Also Phoenix will have a past with Voldermort...

Comment What you think. I have Started forming the Plot, but I don't know If I should continue or Not.

Love Cecil <3

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