Meeting the Marauders

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Phoenix's POV

"I guess you will be" Still laughing as he gave me my sketchbook back and I put it in my satchel. We continued talking him making me blush at random times and me teasing him about liking Lily, you could see it in his eyes every time he looked at her. It was as if we had been friends for years and years. "What are you two laughing about?" Lily asked as she walked in the other girls following."Nothing," We said in unison as we continued to laugh uncontrollably. After a couple more seconds we started to calm down."I should probably get changed now shouldn't I?" I asked no one in particular as I looked out the window."Yeah. The change rooms are towards the back." Lil said"Thanks Lil. C'ya Prince," I said using my nickname for Severus. I chose that for him because he wants to be Lily's Prince Charming. When I said it a slight blush rose on his cheeks but it was barely noticeable. "C'ya Default" He said back using his nickname for me. He chose that because he couldn't think of anything and he said I had a default. So... Bam Prince and Default. I rolled my eyes and started my way to the change rooms at the back of the train with my satchel in hand. I had passed 2 compartments when a Slytherin that looked to be about in his 4th year pushed me into a compartment and onto some randoms lap, I didn't see who it was that pushed me but I did see their hair it was white like really really white. Back to reality who am I sitting on? Eh. I really couldn't be bothered to get up. So I did the only reasonable thing I could think of. I introduced my self."Hi, the names Phoenix," There were 4 boys including the one I was sitting on in the compartment. The one in front of me had Sandy blonde hair and was short, he was also eating a chocolate frog. The one next to him had long black hair and silvery grey eyes, much like scarlets, He was taller than the other one. The one across from him and next to me and the unknown boy I was sitting on, had circular glasses and had dark black hair that stuck up all over the place, I recognised him as the boy 'James' that I had seen in Gringotts. My back was facing the boy I was sitting on so I still hadn't seen him yet. The one with long black hair and silvery grey eyes was the first to speak." Hi... I'm uh... Sirius Black." He said. "What are you doing?" he asked."Sitting on your friend," I said simply as if it happened every day. "Why?" he continued."Some blonde slytherin pushed me and I really couldn't be bothered to get up" I told him in the same voice I used before."Did he have like... white blonde hair?" he asked looking a tad angry. I nodded."Malfoy," he said through clenched teeth. "He's a 4th year. Biggest git I have ever met." I stood up and hit the side of his head whilst gasping. I may say 'git' in my head but that doesn't mean I like the word. Besides I say it playfully he said it like a meanie. "Don't use that word in front of me Sirius. I don't know your middle name. Black" I scolded him as his friends snickered. Before he could say anything, Bullet came bouncing in... literally. I sighed "Who gave you sugar?" I questioned calmly. "Lily did, blame her." she said whilst bouncing on the spot. I face palmed, literally. "Hi Siri-kins, Hi Petey-kins, Hi Remy-kins, Hi Jamie-kins.""Hi Bullet" they all said together, not liking their nicknames that Gun gave them... nobody ever likes the nicknames that Gun gives... Thats why she gives them."Oh." I said turning around. "I believe I don't actually know your names.. unless you would like me to just call you Petey-kins, Remy-kins and Jamie-kins." I asked teasingly. Their faces turned to ones of horror and Siri smirked. He has a nickname now... hehehe. Glasses stood up. "James Potter" He said holding out his hand, which I stared at for a while, before he awkwardly put down. I don't know what he was doing but that was weird."Peter Pettigrew" the short blonde boy squeaked out as James sat down. Then the boy I sat on stood up and I finally got a good look at him. He had chocolate brown eyes and shaggy light brown hair that fell over his eyes, but what stood out the most was the scar on his left cheek under his eye, he was also taller than me. Damn my shortness. "Remus Lupin" He said, he looked like he was the shy one of the group, the one that would rather spend his time reading a book instead of climbing a tree. I like climbing trees... Nix focus. I gave him a small smile. "uh... Random question. But why does Bullet have rainbow hair? She refused to tell me when we met in Diagon alley. " Siri asked. "Because she felt like it." I told him simply and turned on my heel following Gun out of there. We have a code between the 4 of us. If anyone asks about our parents or our pasts we leave after a simple answer. And the reason Bullets hair is rainbow is because of her parents and if we told them the truth it would just end with them having more questions about us. More questions about me. And that was a big N O.

A.N. I know its short but I felt bad for not updating in a month so here is a chapter. I will hopefully be posting a few more chapters in the days to come. The Picture is of Bullet Hatter and her cat Crescent.

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