Peter Pan

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Phoenix P.O.V

I woke up in my bed. I think. YeP its my bed. It smells like me. Minty and Vanilla-y. Yeah I have a smell you Jelly? I really need to stop talking to myself in the mornings, wait I don't remember walking to my bed the last thing I remember was the smell of chocolate. Great now I want Chocolate popcorn. I got out of bed and checked the time it was 5am breakfast didn't start till 7am and classes didn't start till 8am. I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep so I chucked on my uniform and got my satchel, I grabbed my wand and shoved it in my boot and sneaked down to the common room. Nobody was there good. I wasn't sure if we were aloud out of the common rooms yet I assume that we weren't considering it was still dark. I had at least half an hour before the sun rises. I epically sneaked out of the castle and down to the lake, there was a tree there. It was night still so it was dark but living on Neverland you end up having great senses and the stars lit up the area a bit. I climbed up to a thick branch of a tree and leaned against the tree. I got my sketchbook out of my satchel and started to draw. I had only been there a few minutes when I felt as though I was being watched I looked up from my page and nearly fell out of the tree.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Could it be a rule breaker?" he taunted.

"I could say the same to you," I shot back playfully

"Ah! But I only have one rule and it is 'there are no rules', so I am not a rule breaker," he said still taunting me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you doing out of Neverland Peter Pan?" I questioned him.

"I came to visit my favourite lost girl, and to make sure she didn't grow up on me," Peter told me whilst resting on a near by branch.

"I won't grow up," I told him using words from the song of Neverland. "Not now not ever," I said giggling at the end.

"Just making sure." he said lying down. Ray's of light shone in my face.

"Peter, the sun is rising you better get back."

"Why can't I just spend the day with you?"

"You can't I have class"

"Ugh you no fun."

"Oh no I am fun 3 times more fun than you."

"Sure you are," he tested. I put my book in my satchel and lifted of my branch. Yeah I can fly got a problem with that? I went over to him. He couldn't see me because his hat was down so I took it as the perfect opportunity and I pushed him of the branch. He fell onto the ground.

"If you don't go home, you're going to grow up," I told him whilst landing.

"Whatever you say buttercup," he said.

"Goodbye! Peter!" I called to him as he sored of into the sky, the first rays of sunlight were glistening over the lake. I heard a faint reply of 'cya later Nixon' as he entered the second star to the right. That was his nickname for me.

I walked towards the castle just thinking and wondering if it was the right thing to do. Maybe I should have of stayed in Neverland and not come here. I hope I made the right decision...

A.N Sorry for the short chapter. Also I really want Chocolate Popcorn right now...

Cecil <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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