Chapter 10- Coffee and cops

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Arias POV

Alison, Emily, Spencer, Hanna and I are sitting in the police station. We didn't get arrested or anything. The cops just wanna ask us some follow up questions about Ezra. And also, about A.

They just ask us questions, questions, questions. We tell the truth. We have to.We told them about how A kidnapped Emily and how Caleb and Toby shot A. We didn't tell them the part about CeCe because she could get into trouble. She didn't really do anything anyway and she can't go to prison. She's going to be a mum.

 I want to find out who the hell this A team is because one of them killed Ezra while the others watched. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

After we played 20 questions with the cops we all went to the brew for coffee.

We walked in and sat down

"We should have told the cops about Cece" says Hanna

"She didn't do anything. A threatened her. We already have answers from her and thats all we need form her." says Spencer

"It could have been important for their investigtion" says Emily

"No. it wouldnt have been. It isn't important. Just let it go, guys. She's done helping A. Let's just focus of finding these freaks and getting them arrested for murder, stalking, kidnapping and god knows what else

Some people walk into the brew and Spencer looks straight in their direction. The rest of us look too and it's Melissa and her new boyfriend. Wren.

Melissa gives Spencer a dirty look and Spencer shoots one straight back at her.

"what's up with her?" asks Hanna

"Who knows. My sister is phycocic, just forget about it" replies Spencer

The waiter comes and hands us our 5 coffes.

I notice there's an S on my coffee cup. I look at the other girls and theres an L, an R, an I and an A.


"What the hell" says Alison

our phones go off.

tthe text says-

Drink up, bitches. I hear the coffee is crap in prison

kisses. -A

"Okay, if those freaks mention prison one more time im gonna go insane" says Hanna

"We are not going to prison" i say

We hear the doors of the brew open.

We don't look over until we hear footsteps behind us

"Hanna Marin" a man says

Hanna turns around and sees four police officers standing there

"stand up" the man says

Hanna stands up

"Hanna Marin You are under arrest for the murder of Ezra Fitz. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an eterney. If you cannot afford an atorney, one will be provided by the court" says the officer as he puts handcuffs on Hanna

We all stand up and start to cry and panick

"no" I say

Hanna starts crying as the cops take her out of the brew

We run out of the brew and see a bunch of people crowding around a police car. The officer puts Hanna in the car and drives away

We are in shock and we are all in tears

our phones go off. Shit. What the hell just happened

The text says

One down, four to go...



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