Chapter 17- protection

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Alison POV
"It's Emily" says Spencer.
My heart stops. I fear the worse. Did she... Give up? Has she stopped fighting?? No. Please no..

"She's awake" says Spencer.
I stare at Spencer. I'm shocked. Happy.. Over the moon.. But shocked.
"W-what?" I ask. Maybe I heard her wrong.
"Emily is awake. The first thing she said was your name. She wants to see you." Says Spencer.
Her words sink in. I smile and run into her room with Spencer. Hanna and Aria are smiling.
I look over and I lock eyes with Emily.
I am speechless and so is she.
We just stare at eachother.
Tears fill our eyes.
I run over to her and hug her. She hugs back. She's got her warmth back. I missed this. I missed her.
She kisses me passionately. I missed her soft lips.
We put our foreheads together not breaking eye contact.
"Hey" she says in her sweet Emily voice. I missed her voice so much.
"Hey" I reply with tears in my eyes. "You're such an idiot, Em." I say and hug her.
"You got shot for me. You scared me. It should have been me" I say not letting her go.
"No. I would never ever let that happen" she says.

"We'll leave you guys alone for a while" says Aria.
Em and I smile and they close the door behind them.

Hannas POV
"Thank god she's awake" I say relieved.
"I was so afraid she wouldn't make it" aria says in tears. The three of us hug.
"It isn't over though" says Spencer.
We pull out of the hug.
"Jason wasn't the only A. There are still two more people after us. They want to hurt us" says Spencer.
"The cops have nothing. They're not even looking for them" says Aria.

The three of us decide to go to my house. To kill time while Emily and Alison talk. I wonder if Ali will tell Emily about Jason. And her parents.

We walk into my house.
"Mum, I'm home!" I announce.
++no answer++P
We walk into the kitchen.
We are a bit confused by what we just walked into.
My mum, mrs fields, mr and mrs Hastings, and mr and mrs Montgomery are all sitting at the kitchen table looking concerned. Okay??
"Where's Emily?" Asks mrs fields.
"With Alison at the hospital" replies Aria
"I'll go talk to her. Good luck." She says to the parents.
Good luck??? For what?
"Sit down, girls" says my mum.

We all look at eachother. We sit down. Cautiously.

"Girls, we all know the police are no closer to finding this "A team". This has gotten very dangerous. Emily got shot. Alison killed her brother. Mona vanderwall was kidnapped and tortued. It's insane" says Mrs Hastings.

"What's your point?" Asks Spencer

"The parents talked and agreed that Rosewood isn't safe for you girls. Not until they find this "A team" says my mum.
Aria, Spencer and I exchange looks.

"There's a safe place for the five of you to go. It has guards, security, policemen. It's outside of New York. It's for people like your selfs, who need protection 24/7. From dangerous people like the A team"
Says Mrs Monthomery.
We stare at the parents. Not knowing how to feel about this situation.
"You won't be there forever. When they find and arrest this A team, yous can come home straight away. Yous will be safe. No one gets in. No one gets out" Says Mr Hasting.
We just stare at them. ??
"No one gets in or out?? What is it a prison??" I say sounding scared.
"No. It's called Dim Diameter" says Mr Montgomery.
"Sounds like a nut house" says Aria.
"Aria" says Mrs Montgomery sternly. This is so weird ?

Emilys POV
"Em.. I need to tell you something" says Alison while holding my hands. She looks afraid.
"Ali, whatever it is you can tell me. I love you. No matter what" I say and kiss her forehead.
She takes a deep breath.
"Jason was on the A team" she says. I look at her in shock

The word "was" catches my attention.
"Was?" I ask.
She starts crying.
I pull her into my embrace.
"Alison, breathe. Just tell me what happened" I say. She pulls away and takes another deep breath.
"He is the one who shot you. I was so afraid that you were gonna die. When you were in surgery A was around the corner watching us in the waiting room. As soon as I seen A my blood started to boil. I thought of you and what A did to you. I was so angry. I got up out of my chair and chaced A out of the hospital into the woods. I kept chasing him until I caught up to him. I tackled him to the ground and started to hit him, punch him, kick him. Until there was blood on my hands. The girls tried to pull me off of him but I just kept thinking of you. What he did to you. I just started seeing red. Next thing I know I pick up a huge rock and bash his head in.
Toby checked his pulse and told us he was dead. Then Caleb unmasked him. It was Jason. Jason shot you. He was on the A team and I.... Killed him" she finished with an endless stream of tears running down her face.
I'm shocked. I am just..... Shocked.
"I understand if you don't love me anymore and want to break up with me. Who would love a murderer??? My parents found out. They... Disowned me" She says as she puts her face in her hands and sobs.
No. She will NEVER LOSE ME
I grab her arms gently and pull her in for the tightest hug my broken body can handle. I pull away and look into her eyes.
"I love you. No matter what. You had to do what you had to do. You wanted to protect me. And I love you for it. I will never ever leave you. You are my everything. Without you my heart doesn't beat. You are the only thing that I was fighting for when I was fighting for my life in that coma. Because you ARE my life" I say in tears.
She cries. But this time it's tears of joy.
"I love you against all discouragement that could be" she whispers so I am the only person in the world that will hear her.
I kiss her. With every single piece of love I have in my heart.
"Ali... Listen. There's something you need to know. It's very important.

She looks at me with a concerned expression.

"I'm really thirsty" I say laughing.
Alison laughs and gives me a kiss.
"I'll get you a drink" she says while smiling.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too, bubby" she says and walks out

A few minutes pass and a doctor walks in. He tells me I can leave the hospital in about a week and I need to take it easy for a while. He takes some of the machines cords out of me and checks the remaining ones. He says everything is in order and walks out.
Alison walks back in with a glass of water.
She hands it to me and I drunk it in one chug.
Alison kisses me. She holds my hand and just stare at me smiling. I blush.
"What?" I ask.
"You can seriously rock a hospital gown" she says.
I laugh. She leans down to kiss me but we are interrupted by a knock on the door.
It's mum. She runs in and hugs me. I hug her back.
"Emily, I'm so glad you're okay" she says in tears.
I smile and give her a hug.
"Did the doctors talk to you?" I ask.
"They did. You're allowed to leave in a week" she says.
I smile. And so does Alison.
"Listen girls.. I've been talking to the other parents, and we have a solution to all this craziness-" she starts.

Spencers POV
"Are you sure there is no other option?" I ask.
"No. There isn't. Dim Diameter is the only option. It really isn't that bad. You're free to do whatever you want. There's wifi, TV, cable, you get your own rooms. You just can't leave the area until they catch the A team" says my mum.
The three of us look at eachother. All uncertainty is gone. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea.
"We're in" says Hanna.
Aria and I nod.

Alisons POV
Mrs Fields has just told us about the five of us going to Dim Diameter until they catch the A team. We were hesitant at first, but maybe it's a good idea. At least we won't get shot.
Since my parents frikkin disowned me and are nowhere to be seen mrs fields is letting me stay at Emily's house for two weeks. And after two weeks... It's off to Dim Diameter.
I don't mind. As long as I'm with Emily. I'm so happy she's okay. She's my everything.


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