Chapter 11- one down

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Emiys POV

The cops just arrested Hanna for the murder of Ezra. A isn't playing around. A must have done something to make it look like she killed him. This is officially insane. A texted us four saying; one down four to go. It sounds like A plans on putting as ALL in jail for the murder of Ezra. If only we had that video that A sent us of Ezras murder. We are still standing outside of the brew in tears. No one knows wtf to say or do.

"I'll call her mum" I say

"I'll call my mum" Spencer says in tears

"Why?" Alison asks still in tears holding my arm

"She's her lawyer" Spencer responds.

I call Mrs Marin and Spencer calls Mrs Hastings


The police station--

We are sitting in the police station waiting for Mrs Hastings and Mrs Marin.

Alison is still upset. She has her head on my shoulder. I reach for her hand

"Ali, Hanna is going to be fine. We'll get her out' i say and kiss her forehead.

she snuggles into me.

Mrs Marin and Mrs Hastings walk in

"What is going on??" asks Mrs Marin sounding concerned

"Hanna has been arrested.... for killing Ezra" Aria says

"What???" Mrs Marin and Mrs Hastings say in unison

A police officer comes out and asks to speak to Mrs Marin and her lawyer (Mrs Hastings)

When they come out we are telling them that A is doing this to Hanna. And to us

Our phones to off.

The text says-

Mention the letter "A" and I'll blow a hole in CeCes stomach. And Jasons. Don't test me.


We all freeze in shock

"What do we do??" asks Aria

"We all know what A is capiable of. Maybe we should just do what they say" says Spencer

"What about Hanna? She could go to prison. For something she didn't do" I say

"She didn't do it. We all know that. The cops will figure that out and let her go" says Alison

"We don't know that. We don't know what A planted or gave to the cops or whatever. It was enough to get her arrested. We have to tell them about A" I say

"No. We can't. A will kill CeCe and Jason. The cops will figure out that she didn't do it." says Alison

Mrs Marin and Mrs Hastings walk out

We all stay silent.

"They found Hannas hair at the murder scene. And an annonymus source handed in a video" says Mrs Hastings.

"What video?"asks Aria

Mrs Hastings takes us into a room with a televison

A police officer puts in a video and presses play


gun shots go off. It shows Ezras cabin

The video messus up. The camera turns and shows Hanna running away from the cabin

+end of video+

"That's it?" asks Spencer

When we were in Monas car we all mst of gotten out and started running. A made it look like Hanna was running away from the murder scene. Shit. There's probably a frikkin video for each of us. Shit!!!

Mrs Marin is staring at the screen

I open my mouth to say something. To tell them about A but Alison nudges me. I look over at her and see a frightened face. She is afraid for her brother and CeCe.. and the baby. A will kill them if I talk. I can't do that to Alison so I keep my mouth shut

"Can't we bail her out?" I ask

"The bail is 200,000 dollars" Mrs Marin says

Our jaws drop. This is so bad. I feel powerless

Hannas POV

I just changed into an orange jumpsuit. It's so ugly. I hate orange. The jail guard hands me a towel and leads me to my cell. I walk in and the guard slams the door and locks it.

What the hell just happened. This is crazy. I didn't kill anybody, what the hell did A give them?! Hopefully the girls will tell them that this is all A and they'll let me go

An hours passes of my staring at the wall, thinking.

I hear my cell door open. I look up and see the guard

"lets go. You got visitors" he says.

He handcuffs me and takes me to the visitors room. I sit down at a table in front of my four best friends

"Did you tell them about A?" I ask

They all look at eachother. Oh no

"We can't" says Spencer

"Why?" I ask

"A sent us a text. If we tell anybody that this is all A..... They'll kill CeCe and Jason" says Aria

I stareat them

"So, you are just gonna let me rot in here?" I ask. Pissed.

"Hanna, the cops will figure it out. You won't be in here forever. Your court date is in 2 weeks. You'll be ok" says Emily.

A is such a bitch.I understand though. We can't tell the cops about A or CeCe and Jason will get hurt. Besides, I didn't do anything. They can't find me guilty for a murder I didn't commit. Can they???

The girls leave. I get up.

"You got another visitor, Marin" says the guard.

I sit back down, waiting for the visitor to... visit?

My mum walks in and sits on the chair across from me. She doesn't beat around the bush. She gets straight to the point

"Did you do this?" she asks

"No" i answer

"Then why were you running away from Ezras cabin on that video??" she asks

"I wasn't. Well.... I was. But not because i frikkin killed someone" I say

"Then why??" she asks

I try and think of a lie

"Because me and girls were in the woods. Just going for an evening stroll. We heard an animal so we ran" I lie. I can't metion anything about A. and that Mona was watching A tape Ezras murder while we were in her car. It would unravel the truth. And we've been instructed not to... Tell the truth

My mum stares at me

"You're lying, Hanna" she says

"No. I'm not" i respond

"Hanna" She says

"Times up" says the guard

Mum looks at me. I dont say anything.

"I'll be back tomorrow" she says and walks out of the visitors room.

The guard takes me back to my cell, unhandcuffs me, and locks the cell door behind her.


Spencers POV

The four of us walk out of the police station. We are going back to see Hanna tomorrow. This sucks. I feel so helpless. We know the truth but there's nothing we can do about it.

GOD. This whole thing is so confusing and frustrating. What the hell does A want?!




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