Chapter 14- Revenge driven

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Alisons POV

Hanna, Aria, Spencer and I are trailing behind the ambulance that Emily is in. Hanna is driving. I can't breathe. We are all crying and my heart is pounding. I can't lose Emily. I just can't. The drive takes about ten minutes and we finally pull up at the hostpital. They take Emily out of the ambulance. Her shirt is covered in her blood. I CAN'T LOSE HER. I start t have a panick attack. My knees cave in and I fall to the ground as i'm running to catch up with Emily. I feel so weak. I can't lose her. I CAN'T. Spencer helps me up.

I start to ball my eyes out. Spencer, Hanna and Aria hug me and tell me she's going to be okay. But I don't know if I believe them.

Once I calm down we run into the hostpital.

A doctor walks up to us

"Hello. Miss Fields is in the operating room right now. We are going to do everything we can to save her. But I have to warn you.. There's a chance.... that she won't make it. She lost a lot of blood" says the doctor and walks away into the operating room.

I start balling again. This cannot be happening. I feel so sad, angry, but numb at the same time.

We walk into the waiting room.

It is silent. We are all in tears. My hands are shaking

"It should have been me" I say in tears

"Don't say that." says Aria

"It should have. I wish Emily didn't save me. I wish it was me" I said

"Emily would never have let that haopen" says Hanna

"Aria, where's your parents??" asks spencer also crying

"police station" says Aria.

It is silent for a while

I don't feel anything. I feel numb. Like i've lost her already

Toby and Caleb run into the waiting room

"caleb!" Hanna says

"Toby" says Spencer

They hug their boyfriends. I wish I could hug my girlfriend right now.

I can't take this. How long is this going to take? I need to see her. I need her.

I look up from the ground, In the window infront of me I see a reflection from around the corner. A person all black is watching us through the window. ITS A

My blood boils. That bastard did this to Emily. She is fighting for her life all because of that sick freak.

I feel so angry. I get up out of my seat. I have no fear. It all went away when Emily jumped infront of that bullet.

I turn the corner and see A.

A is surprised to see me and runs away. I run after A out of the hostpital. I run as fast as I can.

The girls and their boyfriends are running behind me telling me to stop.

I keep running. I'm gonna kill them.

I run faster. Hatred fills me up as I think of Emiy and what A did to her.

I'm finally catch up to A and I tackle them to the ground.

Everyone stops behind me.

I punch A in the faceover and over. I kick them in the gutt. I hurt them just like they hurt Emily

I go crazy. I can't stop.

Spencer tries to pull me off but I keep punching and kicking A. They are passed out. I think

I still feel so angry. Everything goes red.

Next thing I know i pick up a rock and hit A on the head.

I'm done. I fall to the ground crying.

Everyone is shocked.

The girls hug me while Toby and Caleb go over and check A's pulse

"They're dead" says Toby

Caleb crouches down and slowly takes off the mask, Revealing who the member of the A team I just killed is.

IT'S JASON. My brother. ???????!!!

We all stand there shocked

I don't know what to say or do.

"He was... on the A team?" asks Hanna

"He shot Emily" I said

I don't know how to feel right now. Jason was A. (one of them at least) and I just killed him.

We all stare at my brother.

I break down in tears knowing what he did to Emily, but also because I just killed my own brother

"Go" says Spencer

"what?" I ask

"We'll take care of this. Go and be there for Emily" Aria says as everyone agrees

"what do you mean you'll take care of it??" I ask

"We'll call the police. Explain what happened. Don't worry. We all know it was self defense. Now go" says Toby

I turn around and run back to the hostpital.

As i'm running i think to myself "what the f**k just happened? Was it self defense?

I don't care right now. I NEED TO SEE EMILY



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