part 2

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a year after obama and shrek divorced, shrek pulled out his iphone69420 and typed in obama's numbr. he held the phqne to his ear and waited as it rang. shrk was criyng 😭😭 he couldn't beleigve he ever hatedd his beloved obamsma. 

the phoen stopped ringjng. as the fmajrlair voice went through the phone, shrek's heart stopped for a secnknd. "obama? is that u?" he gasped

"yes it's me what the fuck do u want u stinky green fuck😡" obama replied

sherk gasped "bb how cpuld u do this to me???!?!1!1! ily pls let us be back togehtr!!" 

"ok" said obamam. "oh shit what abt michelle??!??!!?!!!?!😨" 

"lmao idk, just leave her😗" shrek respondef 

a few years later ...., ....🤔🤔🤔😝 

donkey barged into shreks house, followed by fiona. "OMG SHERK!!! HOW COULD U CHEAT ON ME??!?!😡😡" both dinkey and finoan said, rhen looked at eahc other. "wdym he cheated on u??? he was with me!!!!!!😠🔪" 

ohama looked at shrek wirh alarm. "shrek???? did u cheat on  both of them with thrm and me?"

"yeah lmao" shrik eeplied. "ew wtf u suck" obama slammed the door leaving behind a sobbing shrke. 

this book is sponsored by obama care

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