chapter 6

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"Shrek!" the voice of Donkey emmitted from Shrek's phone. Shrek recognized the tone of distress in his voice. "What's wrong Donkey? Tell me now!" He demanded. If Donkey was in trouble, he would find him.
"It's.. it's that.." Donkey hesitated.
The suspense hurt Shrek. He didn't want to wait. "Spit it out!" Shrek said dramatically.
"I.. I love you, Shrek. I want to be with you again," Donkey's voice was practically a whisper, filled with longing and emotion. Shrek gasped aloud. "Donkey.. I.. feel the same."
Behind the phone, Donkey smiled and tears fell from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. "I'm glad, my dear."


Shrek pulled out his phone. He dialed the number into the space. His rather chubby fingers hit each number slowly. As each number was typed in, he felt the worry sitting in his stomach like a heavy stone. Then, Shrek called.
"Hey, Fiona.." He greeted his ex when she eventually picked up. "I know we aren't together anymore, but I'd like to let you know I am now with Donkey."
Then the fiery hostility returned to Shrek. He no longer felt worry or sadness. He wanted to let Fiona know that he was he Alpha male and Fiona would get no satisfaction out of the situation. "The reason I tell you this, is because I don't want to see your grimy little face crawling back to me. I never want to see you again," he barked into the phone.

Fiona's end of the phone was silent. Then she finally spoke. "Alright, good riddance, you filthy bastard. I never wanted to see you again anyways." It sounded like a pitiful excuse to make herself seem strong, but it was the raw truth. Shrek didn't know this, and smiled at her "excuse".
"Good," was all Shrek said, and he hung up.

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