part 3 😍

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fiona and shrek were arguing, their kids were screamjng and crying. michelle and obama had left noe, but shreks heart was srill #broken in millikns of picecs. "fiona i cant do this anynore!! i'm not in love with you" shrek yelled over her, and the ogre woman stopped in shock. "s-shrek-chan.. i rhought u loved me.." she began to cry. 

shrek rested a hand on fiona's shoulder. "im sorry, i dont anynore. goodbye fiona, take the kids, i always hated them"

takinh a deep breath and wiping her tears, fiona nodded and took the kids and left. 


donkey pov

donkey was in his bed, headphones in, wearing a black hoodie and sobbing. he had closed the windpws so no sunlight filtered in. his bedroom was now as dark as his emo soul. "i cant believe he cheated! now i am empty" donkey yellled and slammed his fist onto his bed. "ugh!!!"

in donkey's headphones, a playlist of ed sheeran songs played. donkey closed his tear filled eyes and fell asleep.


ed sheeran stood in donekys bedroom, staring at the sleeping donkey in confusion. "where tf am i????" he questioned aloud, which woke doneky. "WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKK???!"?!"!"!!" doneky screamed and threw his headphones at ed sheeran. "WAIT- ed sheeran-chan?? is that really u?" donkey's face now held a blush, his eyes lit up with awe. 

"yes, it is i, ed sheeran-chan. now rest my love, rest. you had a rough day today." ed sheeran soothed doneky. "ok" was all dknkey said before falling alsep in ed sheeran's arms

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