Fly me to the moon 5

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"Good work Krisha" Dexter said. Dexter Williams is the editor in chief of the famous The Palatinate. Dexter is, what you call the grumpy but good boss. He is quite scary when he is working but he quite normal otherwise.

All he cares about is getting the articles ready in time and the piece being great, not good but great. It was one of his first words to me when I entered the office for the first time.

It's been almost 30 minutes since I entered the office. I've been working on my next piece 'psychology of right handers versus psychology of left handers'. Yes, I know it is the most basic and boing article but making a boring subject to an interesting article means I can make any topic interesting and I am a sucker for a good challenge.

"Hey Krisha!" Tessa exclaims. Tessa is the PA of the editor in chief. "Dex is summoning you"

"I'll be right there" I say.

I get up from my desk having no idea why Dexter called me. When I reach his desk he looks at me and gives me a small smile.

"Are you done with your next piece?" he asks.


"Good, I have a new one for you. And it is an interesting one."

"Oh" I blink.

"A new exhibit is to be held in the art museum this weekend. I want you to attend it and collect reports and write a piece on it. The exhibit is to be held on Saturday and I want your piece to be in the Monday's issue of the paper."


"Good" he looks at me through his glasses, gives me an approving look and goes back to whatever he was doing.

I sit in my room and listen while Aalia complains about the tropical whether in India. It's raining today, which surprisingly is not surprising at all. It's always raining in England. Always grey, always cloudy.
Aalia and I have been talking at least twice a week since I joined here. The 4 and a half hour time difference weren't helping our schedules. Aalia was an aspiring medical student. She now had her own place in Mumbai in which she was staying. She moved to Mumbai since it had one of the best medical colleges in India and she also didn't want to leave India as I'd wanted to.
It was always easy going with Aalia. But to be honest I was settling pretty well with Ella and Darcy as well but Lia was Lia and no one could take it from her.

Lia and I have been taking for a while when there is a sudden knock on my door. Ella wasn't in the room. She was out practicing football. Ella was in the school girls' football team and to say she is great will be an understatement. I don't how but most of my friends are great athletes while I can't even walk without hitting on something and bruising my knees. With that clumsy thought I put Lia on hold and open the door to find a soaking Darcy leaning against my door.

"You took your time" he says looking at me with that easy smile of his. From what I've seen Darcy was quite charismatic which got him out of many unwanted situations.

"You're soaking wet!" I exclaim.

"I never said I was warm and cosy" he replies and walks in to my room. Darcy visited our room quite often, I sometimes felt as f he lived with us. We sometimes have dinner together, movie nights or game nights which were usually fun. He also has a pair of his clothes in Ella's drawer just for this purpose. Since Ella and he have been best of friends from childhood it was almost never awkward between them which is the least of what you could say for me. I was never left as the third wheel among their duo. They always included me in everything but I couldn't help but feel like I was intruding something private and I am often left feeling guilty.

He comes out of the bathroom with his new dry clothes but his hair is still dripping wet which is adorably falling over his green eyes. Those eyes never seized to amaze me. "Please don't say you forgot pizza night" he says looking at me with a stern expression.

"Pizza nights are on Wednesdays!" I exclaim

"And today is Wednesday" I say as my voice slowly coming to a whisper. He slowly shakes his head smiling and starts drying his hair with a towel. He suddenly shakes his head vigorously causing water droplets to spray on me as I yell "Hey!"

"Hallo!!" a voice comes from my laptop. Lia! I was so distracted by Darcy that I forgot that Lia was on hold. I run to my laptop as Darcy calls after me "Now, who might that be?"

"It's rude to leave your best friend on hold for this long, you know?" Lia demands.

"I know, I know. Lia you remember Darcy right?" I ask Lia. Of course she remembers him. When I first told Lia I found Darcy here, her shock was pure as mine. And when I told her that I was staying with his best friend Ella, Lia seriously started questioning fate. She even had a debate titled 'coincidence or conspiracy' with herself while she herself told points for each side until both sides had no point left. When she was done doing that for an hour she realised she'd lost count of the score and chose fate as the winner.

"Of course I remember Darcy" Lia replies.

"Ah! The nicer one!" Darcy exclaims seeing Lia's face and just like that two of my very charismatic friends have such an easy conversation while I sit and gawk at their ease at conversing even though they were almost strangers. Although to be honest Lia knew Darcy quite well, thanks to me.
Once Lia hangs up, we order pizza and wait.

"Should we watch some movie?" Darcy asks me. Ella won't be joining us tonight but the whole reason we usually hang out is because of Ella. I and Darcy might have met before but the real reason we hang out is because he is Ella's best friend while I'm Ella's roommate. She was like our bridge. We had two choices; to either awkwardly dodge each other and pretend the other didn't exist or we could also become friends and it seems both me and Darcy picked the latter. Darcy and I have never been left alone and neither of us knew what to do without Ella. "yeah sure. What should we watch?" I reply.

Fly me to the moonWhere stories live. Discover now