Fly me to the moon 10

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Well, that was.... Anticlimatic i think as i work on my homework. Yes, homework, even in college, i know. The tyranny of the thought in itself is unfathomable burt what is life good for but tyranny. After the hunt was over and the winners-us - were announced, with our extra grade clean and pristine we all went our separate ways. Once we reached our dorm, ella cleaned my cut and patched it up with a bandaid. Soon ella left for practice leaving me in the room to do my work. Tomorrow, i will have to go to the local art museum for my next article of the palatinate. And with that thought i went to sleep early, knowing that if not, i won't be up until noon tomorrow.

"You look..." ella paused, while i scanned myself in the full length mirror after getting ready for the museum "under-dressed?" I finished for ella. As i didnt know what one would wear for a visit to the local art museum, i stuck to my go-to i-didn't-how-to-dress-up dress, which is a simple black collared t-shirt and a skirt which brushed just mid-knee, not too prude, not too slutty. I paired the costume with big silver hoop earrings, a simple, plain silver chain and black chelsea boots since it was too cold to go with just heels. As a person with no sort of body heat, it's always best to make sure your feet don't get cold and numb.

"Sophisticated" ella finished gaining  a funny expression from me. My wardrobe was what one would call basic, nothing too adventures or too homey, so finding flashy outfits or "artist" like costumes was next to impossible. I could pull one together if i really wanted to but then again, i didn't want to risk it.

"Any advice on how to dress for an art museum?" I ask Ella only to get on the other end of a clueless shrug.

"You look good, just don't worry and have some fun."

"I will."

"I would come with you but today is my only break and my schedule is packed next week."

"Yeah right." I scoff.

"Hey! Besides, it would be no fun in a museum!" ella protested.

"It's fine. I will probably have dinner on the way so don't wait up on me!" I say and leave, waving at ella.

The walk to the museum was, according to my opinion, not long enough. With music blaring inside my ear, the mist above my head, the scent of the rain-infused soil in my nose and the sight of artfully decorated London streets printed behind my lids, no amount of distance will be enough. With the promise of taking the longer route to the dorm, I entered the museum.

The sight of the museum only wanted to make me want to reconsider the promise I made to myself just seconds ago. It was the easiest, most loveliest place I had visited. The paintings and other art sculptures apart, the decoration of the hall and the plain diversity that was crowded in the hall was exhilarating. The artists were standing near their paintings answering the visitors's questions while some of them huddled in groups chatting with their fellow artists. Everyone was dressed so very differently, some in colourful, flashy outfits, some were in formal suits and others were in plain jeans which brought some sort of relief and I moved on to observing the paintings and sculptures while asking the artists to elaborate for me. Some artists even answered that they did it for just sheer fun and enjoyment while some accepted doing their work for the sake of creating something.

As i moved from one particular artist who had said that his work was from the bristles that fell during his previous paintings and that only sheer curiosity and the lack of any other good challenge only made him commit to this project, i bumped into a stranger making him drop his coffee. "Sorry" we apologize together and I realise that the person I was staring at was none other than mike. Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Mike? Wait. What?

"Krisha!" he exclaimed, breaking into a ear-to-ear grin which made his eyes sparkle.

"And what are you doing here?" I ask him, crossing my arms in mock anger.

"Hello Mike, nice to see you" imitated my voice- which was just a high shrill of a noise-
"nice to see you too, krisha" he said in his own voice "though what a surprise to find you here?" he finished with a mocking tone.

"I asked first" I snapped back.

"I know, so you get to answer first."

"It doesnt work that way." to which i receive nothing but a silent, waiting stare. I sigh and answer "i'm here for The Palatinate. I have an article to write about this exhibition."


I wait for him, anticipating his reason for spending a good Saturday evening at a museum.

"My sister is one of the artists who's pieces have been displayed at this particular exhibit."      mike answers.

"Really?" I was baffled whether I had already met his sister in my little roundabout or is she in the group of people that I had to harass, yet.

"Yup. Come on, I'll introduce you guys." he said and started leading me with a hand on my back. He steered me through the section I already covered and stopped in front of a painting of something that looked akin to a lake and the sky at the same time. But what was so different about it was the sense of home it seems to imminent, or at least that's what i had written about that particular painting, though i couldn't find its artist at that time anywhere nearby, but now i found her leaning on the space next to her work, talking to a girl in a deep violet skirt.

Well, that went well... the meeting with mike's sister went better than most of my other surprise introductions usually go. To be totally honest I kind of liked Mer, Mike's elder sister who has recently graduated from art school. She was surprised that I even understood the essence of her painting without her having to explain it to me. Her painting, it seems, was that of a secret hiding near her townhouse.

"That went well," Mike said,  what was going in my head "she liked you, you know?" he pointed out, giving me a small nudge behind my shoulder.

"Huh! You don't say." i said as we both stood at the entrance of the museum. Me, about to leave while he? I really had no idea why he was escorting me to the entrance of a public place.

"Hey krisha?" his voice floated to me, as i turned to find him scratching the back of his neck, "do you have any plans?" he finished with a curious look on his face.

"Right now?"

"Right now." he answered with a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips.

"No, i don't think I have any plans."

"I thought of going to the movies, wanna join?" he finished not really finishing, as if he wanted to add something more but had cold feet at the last moment.

"Sure" I said, giving a slight shrug for his incredulous expression.

We started walking during which he seemed to be deep in thought so I let him be and enjoyed the moody yet beautiful climate of london. He released a deep as if preparing for something and said "i actually wanted to ask you to the movies as a date."

I went rigid for a moment- date? Me? With mike?  I slowly turned towards him to find him flushed a bit, his whole being was flustered which somehow took the tension off me and made me want to smile. Cool, collected mike, flustered because of asking me for a date. The idea in itself made me smile a bit.

"I.. I know that I shouldn't drop this on you like this." seeing me silently staring at him he added, "date or not date, whatever, we'll go to the movies. It's your say, can we make this outing a date?" flustered.

An amused smile bloomed on my face "sure, mike, we're going to the movies as each other's dates or as friends, there is no no to that but i'll decide if its date or not at the end, what do you say?" for his confused look i said "let's not define what it is, at the i'll tell you if i want to go on an actual date. Let this be a sort of trial-date."

"It's a trial date then!" he answered as if i said I'll go on the date with him. He took my hand and led me to the cinema smiling all the way.

Fly me to the moonWhere stories live. Discover now