Fly me to the moon 6

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We ended up watching the movie remake of 'the fault in our stars' which ends in both of us crying our eyes out, actually mostly Darcy because, come on, how can one be into a movie when a beautiful, perfect boy ugly-cries next to you sniffing his nose every time Augustus speaks. Yeah, right, leave two nerds alone and we'll spend our evening crying our eyes out while eating pizza. We'd built a pillow fort before we both settled in with some cans of coke, pizza and some left over ice cream. The fort was comfortable, we'd had movie nights before but never with a pillow fort, we usually covered ourselves in blankets but the fort now seem to take movie night into a  whole other level. The fort was small but cosy. Darcy being almost six foot had to fold himself around me since he covered almost all the space. We were huddled against each other but neither of us minded that extra, comfortable, soothing warmth the other provided. It took us a while to settle on a movie. Darcy wanted to watch star wars and other sci-fi while I admitted I didn't know anything about them, so we settled on a book to movie adaptation.

Once we were done Darcy looks at me, eyes still red rimmed and gleaming, he suddenly looked like a lost puppy in need of help, with his soft brown hair mussed, huge green eyes gleaming; he asks "What do you want to watch next?"
"I have no idea and I don't think I'd be able to sit and watch another movie. I'm fairly sure I'll fall face first if I see another slow-moving romance seen. Plus I've seen you cry like a baby, so now with that image fresh in my mind I'm going go to bed on a good note." I say and rise to leave but am pulled back into a hard surface. I give out a little yelp and find myself starring straight at Darcy's green eyes. I suddenly feel two degrees hotter when I realised that Darcy had pulled me down I'd landed straight into his lap. Our gazes lock, his eyes drop to my lips and I feel as if I'm on fire, his hands resting on my waist holding me from falling to the ground are like hot iron pincers while my hand which is holding his shoulders seem to have been paralyzed. My whole body has been paralyzed, while my cheeks burn as if they were just exposed to hell fire no scratch that, as if they'd been exposed to heavenly fire. His scent encircles me and my stomach seems to do Olympic level summersaults.

Krisha! What are you doing!  A voice inside my head yells, but it feels like that voice is about a thousand miles away and I feel like I'm in a dream where I can do anything and nothing. Stop it! I suddenly snap out of it and lift myself from Darcy's lap which seems to snap Darcy's conscious too. As I start to walk Darcy's hand clasps my wrist once again but he doesn't pull me this time. It's just a touch to halt me but little does he know his hands are sending electric shock waves into my skin and I am not able to shake off his grip. I look at him as he says "Oh come one, one more movie!" he says. I consider his plea while the voice inside my head yells at me; haven't you had enough for one day? Say no!  But I couldn't, his wide, pleading eyes are impossible to refuse and in that moment I hate him for having such an advantage over me.

"Ugh! Fine" I sigh "what do you want to watch?"

"I know just the thing" he says as an evil grin takes form in his face.

Chapter 6,

"Wakey, wakey little birds"

I feel someone shake me awake which makes me want to throw them under a bus. "Ugh..." I stir. There is another groan near my ear.
As I wake up I find myself sprawled over a huge body which is curled around me. I find a set of hands on my middle holding me close to that body.

"Finally!" the voice says as I start to remove untangle myself from this other person. Other person! Oh wait what! Other person? Holy shit! Other person- Darcy.

As last night's memories flood back I start untangling myself faster. When I finally straighten up I find myself facing a curious looking Ella. As she saw me red checked, she burst into laughter making Darcy groan again. As he stirs and gets up rubbing his eyes, hair mussed, eyes still sleepy I couldn't help but want to climb over his lap again and hug him like a koala bear hugging a tree branch. Climb over his lap again!  I'm fairly sure I turn three shades darker.

Last night, after the 'incident' or should I say 'accident', Darcy made me watch 'The Roommate', which wasn't that scary or on edge. I don't remember either of us dozing off, but we must've at some point. Even though the movie wasn't scary at all we both kept shifting toward each other like two poles of a magnet.

"You both looked adorable!" Ella exclaimed handing me her phone. When I look into the picture she was showing me with sleepy eyes I find an image of me and Darcy sleeping. My head is on Darcy's shoulder, his face nuzzled against my neck, one of my hands is lying on Darcy's hip while his body is turned towards me, cocooning me. When I look up, I find Ella with heart shapes in her eyes, if I imagined her in the right clothes, I'm fairly sure she'll pass for a female cupid. I feel my face heart burn more which makes me check the floor for any melted droplets of flesh. When I look over to Darcy I find him as red as I am, if not more which proves that he too had no idea when  we'd dozed off.

"What time is it?" Darcy asks voice hoarse.

"About 7" Ella replies.

"About 7!" I exclaim, eyes widening, scanning for my phone which has suddenly mastered the art of hiding. "Have you guys seen my phone?" I ask voice frantic.

"Here you go" Ella says as she gives me my phone.

When I check the alarm I've set for 6:30, I find that I'd set it at 6:30 pm instead of am. Of course! I'd set it for the evening instead of morning! Ladies and gentlemen meet the clumsy old me who has been doing the same mistake since 7th grade.

"Krisha what is it? Is everything alright?"

Darcy asks taking in the despair that is clear on my face. I had an interview I was supposed to take today. I was supposed to watch the basketball team practice, note each player's strengths and weaknesses and was supposed to get a one-on-one interview with the team captain. If I hurry, I could still make it in time for the one-on-one. I run to the end of my room, throwing my closet open "I am supposed to be watching the football team play so that I can write a piece about them and I also have a one-on-one scheduled with their captain in" I look at my phone and say "15 minutes" I trail off. After turning my whole closet upside down I find my jacket, grab my bag and notes and hurry towards the door when I say "See you guys later" without turning back.

Fly me to the moonWhere stories live. Discover now