Fly me to the moon 1

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Present day,

Chapter 3

"I can't believe you've grown this much kanna" mom was saying as she wiped my tears away. I didn't understand why I was crying, after all, all I wanted was finally happening. I got into my dream school, University of Cambridge, with a good scholarship and everything was perfect except for the fact that I can't stop the flow of tears as they washed my face with a waterfall washing over a rock. I had never thought I would cry this much on the day my goal was achieved.

"I am scared ma" I said, feeling the same. I was so concentrated on achieving this that I never thought about anything else, anything further.

"You have done excellent so far, you will excel in the upcoming hurdles too, Krisha" my father said. He was looking at my dorm room and living hall taking in the architectural points as he had always done. I took a deep breath and said "Ma, pa I'll be alright, don't worry about me. I can do this, after all, I'm your daughter" with a confidence I didn't entirely feel.

"It's time we left ma, we don't want to be delayed for our plane" my father said. It was true; they had spent the past two days with me, making sure I knew where to look for essentials and other stuff. Today was the I moved into my dorm with the help of my parents in arranging the furniture and making myself comfortable. They had a plane in about 2 hours and it was far time they left their little girl to face the world.

"Have a safe travel dad, don't worry I'll be alright and I'll call you whenever I can" I said and hugged my dad. He ruffled my hair and left me with my mum alone after giving me a heart sinking smile.

My mother pulled me into a fierce hug, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears. I knew that she knew if she broke down then so will I. she kissed my cheek while her hand moved from my shoulder blades to my hip brushing my back in soothing calm, fierce strokes.

"Call me whenever you want anything" she said sniffling.

"I will, you know I will" I said giving her a smile.

As I stand leaning on my new dorm door's frame watching my parents go farther and farther away from, I knew that it was time for me to stand on my own. Here we go, luv. It's just you against the world now, no barrier, no shield. Let's do this! I thought fiercely as I took a deep breath and turned back to my room.

"Good morning!!" called a voice as someone shook me awake.

"Ughh..." I said as the sun shone straight at my, memories of last night slowly coming back, my mum and dad, our farewell, me crying myself to sleep. I was fairly sure my face was fairly streaked with the path of my tears.
As my vision became clear, I saw a girl with blonde hair, smiling at me as the sun behind her made her hair a halo.

"Hello, you must be my new roommate. Nice to meet you, I'm Ella" said the girl. Roommate! Of course, I had totally forgotten about her. In the mess I'd been last night, sobbing and weeping despairingly I had forgotten that I actually had a roommate. Since yesterday was Sunday most of the dorms were empty while the students were partying or visiting their homes.

"I'm Krisha" I said blinking dazedly, my voice hoarse from all the sobbing I'd done.

"It's alright, I understand living in a totally unfamiliar environment whiles your friends and family are at home" the girl- Ella- said waving her hand in the air in a calm gesture.

"How do you know" I said without preamble while Ella went to get a cup of coffee from the vanity table in my room.

"Well, you've been the talk of the college for weeks now" she said handing me the cup of coffee. "Sorry, we don't get a lot of Indians here, but according to the boys, they are the hottest compared with other nationalities" she said apologetically smiling at me while her eyes were raking up and down me.

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