Fly me to the moon 2

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Chapter 4
"Krisha!" he exclaimed softly, his voice husky, eyes dazed.

"You didn't say goodbye" I said softly with a calmness I did not feel. He looked slightly taken aback, of course he was I thought, who wouldn't be? God! Why would I say something like that to him, after meeting him after almost three years?

"I'm sorry" he said shyly rubbing his hand at the back of his neck.

"Do you both know each other?" Ella asked who I'd totally forgotten was standing there.
I looked at Darcy for help, not knowing what to say, how to explain. "Ella, do you remember about my one day transfer to an Indian school? I don't know if you remember but I'd told you about a girl named Krisha I'd met there" he said in a calm and possessed manner. He was somehow different now, it was hard to put a finger on it but he was different.

"You mean that Krisha is this Krisha?" Ella's eyes widened with surprise. What had he told about me to Ella? I wondered as Darcy nodded his head.

"Darcy!" a voice exclaimed from behind as I saw Darcy visibly swallow, as if he thought this moment in his life would never occur. Curious though, did he never wanted to see me again? Did he regret our meeting so badly? The thought was like sharp elf-bolts piercing my heart. As I willed myself to not show emotion in my face a blonde haired girl flew into his hands- amusingly he was startled himself as the girl kissed him. Eww! That was disturbingly full of tongue. With a sudden jolt I realised it was Ava, Ella had said her best friend was dating Ava and that Ava was very clingy, so the PDA shouldn't be surprising, but it still made my heart twist with something I didn't want to find out what.

Ava unfastened herself from Darcy with her lipstick astonishingly still intact after a long moment. "Krisha meet Ava, Ava, Krisha" Darcy introduced us, with a hoarse voice, to each other diplomatically.

"We'd already met in the corridor Darce" said Ava with a weary smile.

"Oh" said Darcy as I stood silently beside Ella watching the awkward scene, in front of me wishing I was invisible. Darce? Seriously?
Ava and Darcy looked like the school couple, you know the power couple in every school. I had a feeling that my college life isn't going to be very different from my school life. No! I will be more alive in college then I ever was in school. I reminded myself sternly.

"Krisha, you should join us during lunch" said Darcy.

"Of course she is joining us for lunch" Ella said as if it was obvious I was going to sit with them

"Aren't you going to?" Ella added as an afterthought.

"Of course" I said my voice still dazed. I felt as if I was seeing all this from a glass box, feeling a numb impact. I couldn't guess if it was due to surprise or horror.

The rest of the day was rather boring, we'd sit with Darcy, Ava and Ava's friends- Courtney, Betty and Lisa- in which I stayed pretty quiet as the others told me about who to befriend in which class, who to date or who not to date if I wished to date and where to find them if I ever needed their help. It seems Ava and her friends were in their sophomore years, which made sense from the story Ella had told me about them in the corridor.

As I made my way to my lit class I bumped into a blond boy, he turned towards me with a scowl in his face which immediately softened after seeing me. "You're the new girl right?" he said with a small grin, extending his arm to me.

"Krisha, nice to meet you" I said shaking his extended hand. "Mike, I think we had the first period together" he said

"Yep, I recognise you" I said

"What class do you have right now?"

"English Lit"

"Me too! Come on I'll show you where the class is" he said and started walking in front of me, leading me. Even though Ella had already told me how to find my way to my class I didn't mind not getting lost on my way. The campus was definitely not small. One can easily get lost and be finding their way back until the end of the year.

"What are you thinking about?" Mike asked with the same grin glued to his face, he had a bit of over bite but it was actually pretty cute, I thought.

"Oh! Nothing, if I were you, I would stay away from my head, it's a pretty messy place" I replied.

"Well, your head seems to be quiet interesting, they say, messy places have the most beautiful treasures hidden in them" he said with a lop-sided grin. I felt my cheeks go on fire, god! I hated to blush and the combo of my pale face and the climate of England was certainly not helping. "We've reached our destination my lady" he said with a slight curtsy. I raise an eyebrow at him as a familiar voice called over to me. I raise my head to find out Darcy was already sitting at the class. "Over here!" he called out to me.

I turn back to find Mike already talking to someone else, so I reached Darcy and sat on the seat parallel to his. "Hey, you didn't tell me you had lit this period" I said.

"Yeah, I didn't know you'd picked lit" he said.

"Of course I'd pick lit, the one subject I actually have experience in" I said.

"So, you still read?" he asked.

"Of course, what about you?"

"I wouldn't give it up for anything" he said with a sheepish smile.

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