004~ going home

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We all sit there in silence. No one speak a word. No one looks at someone.

I sit beside Ali with 218 and 456. "Sungwoo" 456 began 218 looks at him "you helped me thank you" Sungwoo nod
456 looks now at Ali "and you did too. You saved my life out there." "You're alive. That is what matters."

And again the Buzz sound and the door opens. The Guards are coming in. We all stand up. "You have all made it through the first game. Congratualation. You're moving on. I will now announce the results of the first game." The Number on the screen changes from 457 to 201 players. "Out if 457 players 256 players were iliminated. 201 players sucsessfully completed the game" explained the Guard.

Wow we had so mich luck that we are still alive.

The most people are beginning to whine about them wanting to go home. "This seems to be a missundersta ding. We are not trying to hurt you or collect your depts. Let me remind you that we are here to give you a chance" the square explains.

"A chance? We play some Kids games and you shoot us you want me to choose that? Thats some Chance" a man shouts.
"We my be in dept sir but that doesn't mean to kill us all." A other Men whines. "I's just a game" say the square.

"Whats with the once that died?" "They were simply iliminated for breaking the rules. If you follow the rules, you can leavr this place savely with the price we promised."

"Just keep your damn money! I don't care! Let me just go home thats all i want" Shouts number 066. And now everyone wants to go home.
"Rule number one. A player is not allowed to stop playing" explain the Square. "Come on! You think you get away'll with this Huh?!" A man shout "the police will be here any minute. They'll bust in here since we are all disapired!"

The man shout through the hall and the square shot with a gun in the air.
We duged us al and all weapons are in our direction. "Rule number two. A player who refuces to play will be iliminated"

Sungwoo stand up "rule number three! if all the players agree to stop playing The games are allowed to end, or am i wrong"  

Everyone turns theire heads to the square man. "You are correct" the square say. I stand up and lay a hand on sungwoos shoulder and gave him a smile. He looks at me and smiled very very light.

"So vote on ending this!" I begin "if the majority wants to end the game, we can all go home right?" I ask and stood in front of sungwoo "alright as you wish. We will make a vote for the etermination of the game. But before we vote let me anounce the price money for the game as previously promised.

He takes his remotecontroll out and let the money fall into the giant piggy-bank. It takes awhile till the money stops. A total of 256 players iliminated during the first game. 100 000 000 won per player so for now it's 25.6 billion Won for the iliminated players. How ever you will all return at the end with it."

"Uh sir. If we would complete all six games. How much money would we get?" Ask the wired woman. "Since there were 457 players. The total price will be 45.7 billion won. And with that we can now begin the voting." The Square say.

As you can see there are two buttons in front of you. If you wish to continue the game press the green button. If you want to end the games press the red one. After you finished voting, move to the other side of the line. First voting will be the last number if the players." I look at my number. Well i be the first to vote.

"Player 457 please vote" the square say. I step to the two buttons and looked at them. After i heard how much money the prize will be. I think it's the best to go on. So i pressed the green button. Ding.

The i go on the other side. The nest is 456. He press the red button. Moop.

After awaile it's Sungwoo's turn. He press the green button. Ding.

And it is going on. Meep. Moop. Meep. Meep. Moop. Moop. Moop. Meep. Moop.

Next is Ali. Ali makes moop.

After a lot of meeps and moops it is stabding 100 to 100. The last one is number 001. He think for awhile but press the moop button. "The game is now turminated."

The people yell about that the ones who want still palying could stay here but the others can go home but everyone habe to go home now.

"Good bye for now" and the we all got tied up and blindfoldet. And they drive us home.

The Squid Game ~ Sangwoo x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now