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Wang yibo most of the times he will be busy, him being the chairman he has alot of the to do with different company branches that were opened in different cities and now he wants to expand his business to the state's, since th business is going on extremely well with the help of Wang Dylan and also having serious and competent employees, everything is going on perfectly well.

Wang yibo will be traveling to the state's for about a week, this might be the longest time he h ever stayed apart from his family, Wang Dylan will also be accompanying Wang yibo and since Darren Chen who is also Wang Dylan personal assistant and wife will be accompanying his husband and at the same time boss.

"Are you really sure you will be okay all alone, although it's just a week travel, i don't want to leave you and my son alone, come with me to the state's, Darren Chen is also going." Wang yibo who was worried her mother might try to cause trouble again when he is not around said.

"Don't be worried,we will be okay and wuxian has school, also don't forget brother Darren is your brother's assistant, so he is needed to go, have you go, don't worry about us, we will be okay." Zhan answered and kept reassuring Wang yibo who reluctantly gave in, the two spent that night feeling each other, bring gone for a week is too much and yibo ate xiao zhan who was already exhausted countless times that night and was able to sleep for lessons than three hours.

Xiao zhan though he was in pain because of the physical activity last night, he still some up early together with his son wuxian to see Wang yibo off.

"Daddy remember to being me lot's of toy's, snacks and many many gifts." Wuxian who was being carried by Wang yibo said with his baby voice, zhan sighed, this little adorable best is so greedy.

"But sweetheart , you already have a lot of toy's, other toy's can't fit in your playroom." Zhan said making little wuxian to pout and look at his daddy with puppy eyes, he knows his daddy will never say no, he will surely bring him toy's and many many gifts.

Yibo as usual will not resist his baby boy's cute look's.
"Okay daddy will bring you all your favourite things." Yibo said sweetly and showered his son with kisses, wuxian giggled then looked at xiao zhan with puffed cheek's, his little hand's placed on his chest.

"See mommy daddy will get me everything, daddy is the best." Wuxian said proudly, Zhan and Wang yibo couldn't help but smile with their son cuteness.

"What about mommy?" Zhan who pretended to be sad asked.

"Mommy is the best of the best! I love mommy the most!" Wuxian just as usual answered, everyone was happy.

"Don't miss me too much, I will call you whenever I am free, take care of yourself my beautiful beloved." Yibo who was now hugging xiao zhan said.

"Okay, you also take care of yourself, don't overwork yourself...mmm." Yibo didn't care if his son was still in his arm's, telling his son to close his eyes, yibo kissed xiao zhan deeply, Zhan returned the kiss not minding if wuxian will see them kissing, wuxian was an obedient kid he really did close his eyes but not for more than a second, he was beyond surprised seeing his mommy and daddy doing something so weird.

"Mommy and daddy why did you eat alone and didn't give wuxian." Wuxian who thought it must've be food complained after xiao zhan and Wang yibo stopped kissing each other, Zhan blushed and yibo lightly laughed when he heard what his son has said.

"Your yummy food is a surprise, mommy hid it for you in the house." Yibo answered and wuxian who was looking so pitiful smiled forgetting about his mommy and daddy 'eating' yummy food without him.

Xiao zhan carried wuxian and watched the car drive away, after the car was long gone, Zhan went back inside the house with wuxian who was excited for the so called surprise, Zhan opened the fridge, cutting just a small piece of cake since it was still morning, zhan gave it to wuxian telling him it's his surprise, wuxian being the three years old boy quickly believed the small cake must be his surprise and he happily ate the cake.


Xiao zhan received a call from his mother in law telling him to go to the main house with wuxian, it is not something optional but he must go whether he likes it or not, zhan was conflicted, if he will not go, then he will be regarded as a disrespectful and someone who doesn't respect elders and that's not how he was taught or brought up, but then at the same time if he goes then his mother in law will surely cause trouble for him and his son, Zhan understands that his mother in law is doing this because his son is not around and she can do anything she wants. Xiao zhan thought for a while and decided to go with his son, he really has no choice.

Zhan prepared his son and himself and went to the main house, the house was lively, some other family members together with their kid's were present, but the most odd thing was the people available here were only women and the women who didn't get along with him, just because he comes from a poor family and believes whatever his mother in law has said.

The women started murmuring among themselves while pointing at him and his son, their faces full of disgust, wuxian hid behind his mother feeling uncomfortable, he hates coming here because everyone is mean to him.

"Hi mother in law, you told me come with my son." Zhan who ignored all the whispers said, Wang yibo mother sneered.

"First I'm not your mother! Which place of me does it look like a mother to a witch like you! You think you can bewitch me like the way you bewitched my two son's! Also take off the clothes you're wearing together with that useless son of yours! You can't be taking advantage of my son wealth and think i will just sit and watch like it's nothing!" Yibo mother shouted, Zhan hugged his son tightly and covered his ears for him not to hear what yibos mother was saying, it's not healthy for his baby boy.

Zhan was dragged away and minutes later maid's clothes were thrown inside the store room, zhan took a deep breath to calm himself down, taking off his clothes, zhan put on the servant's clothes, and he did the same to his son, they seem to have even prepared servant's clothes to his three years old son.

"Mommy why are we wearing servant's clothes, i want my clothes, I don't want these clothes! I don't want these!" Wuxian cried, zhan shushed his son.

"Don't cry, mommy is here, be a good boy and don't cause trouble or mommy will be upset." Zhan scolded his son while wiping his son's tears away, they need to just pretend and let yibo mother humiliate them.

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