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"X-xiao is your partner? How come i never knew xiao zhan is the person you got married to, he never told me that you were his husband, as for pei yuan, i  thought you two are now friends, that's what Pei yuan told me after she came back from her travels." Mr Pei who was surprised when he heard his son actually married such a successful man, Wang yibo though he is very strict, ruthless and a serious man, he is actually a good man, and Mr Pei is very sure his son is in good hands.

"Friends? A woman who went as far as trying to kill my three years old son just because she is obsessed with me, always trying to find ways to hurt my family together with that evil woman you call wife, the Pei family really has evil blood running in their veins." Yibo said sarcastically and rolled his eyes, Mr Pei is a good man, he just doesn't understand why the daughter who was once such a good person when they used to play together is now an evil woman including the mother, he really just couldn't understand what has happened to Pei yuan to suddenly change and be someone he doesn't really understand.

"I am sorry, i really didn't expect Pei yuan to go as far as trying to kill a child, she once told me she is in love with someone, but i didn't expect her to try and destroy a family that is already happy, i just hope you will forgive her, let the police do their work, she was wrong anyway, she needs to pay for whatever she has done, i will talk to her and I am sure she will stop disturbing you're family." Mr Pei answered and clenched his hands into a fist which were under his table, speaking of destroying peaceful family, he still remembers how he was forced to leave qiangu and marry a woman he never loved, and now it looks like his son is going to suffer the same fate as his mother if he is not careful and he is not going to let something like that happen to xiao zhan.

"With the way your talking and your expression, it clearly shows you're not worried about Pei yuan, now I am curious, is Pei yuan really your daughter? Because you told my wife that you have no child, and with the way your behaving, you really have no sympathy or any fatherly love towards her like the way parents behave whenever their kids are in trouble." Yibo asked, since he mentioned the name Pei yuan and what she did, yibo noted that Mr Pei shun was not really concerned, and held no emotion or worried like the way a parent will behave, Mr Pei sighed.

"If i tell you now Pei yuan is not my real daughter but a child allowed to call me father because i have no choice, will you believe me Mr yibo?" Mr Pei asked a question too, yibo was somehow surprised, that's something he somehow expected, but then just like any other person, he was surprised, so all these years Mr Pei shun has been taking care of a child that never belonged to him, Mr Pei seems to be a very patient man.

"And you accepted to harbour a woman that cheated on you and gave birth to a child that never belonged to you, Mr Pei i should congratulate you, you really are a patient man." Yibo said still trying to picture himself harbouring a kid that never belongs to him, he loves xiao zhan so much and he is ready to do anything for him and accept everything that belongs to his lovely xiao zhan, but he will not entertain xiao zhan to cheat on him with another man when he is already married to him and on top of that be pregnant with a child of another man! He will surely not let it go so easily!.

"You're still young and you will not understand, don't worry Mr yibo i will talk with my wife and Pei yuan, i promise you they will not cause any more trouble." Mr Pei who didn't want to talk about the issue anymore changed the story, Wang yibo realising that Mr Pei didn't want to talk about that and was really surprised when Mr Pei told him something like that, he wondered why Mr Pei shun decided to tell him something like that.

"Before i forget, you seem to be so close to my wife, please know that he is married, don't let his beauty confuse you and try to seduce him, he is way out of your league and has someone as handsome as me, he is not interested in you at all, have a good day Mr Pei." Wang yibo didn't wait for Mr Pei who was beyond surprised to answer and he walked out, Mr Pei pointed at himself and try to process the words Wang yibo has just said.

"Me. ...seducing xiao zhan? When did i do do such a thing? And don't i look handsome too?" Mr Pei whispered and touched his face, he has always been handsome that's why qiangu loved him, qiangu has always complimented him and always told him that he is so handsome, if he wasn't handsome and loved someone so beautiful like qiangu, then how could someone so perfect like xiao zhan could come to this world.

"He is also my son and i love him as my own and only son in the whole world." Mr Pei added after encouraging himself that he is also handsome, yibo rushes back to the house, he left before xiao zhan could wake up, and he didn't want to disturb xiao zhan who was sleeping so peacefully. Wang yibo found xiao zhan seated outside while pouting, with the way he was behaving, it clearly shows he was not happy.

"What's with the sulking my dear wifey? Did someone annoy you when i was away?" Yibo asked xiao zhan who was now clinging on him.

"You just don't understand, i vomited everything that i ate in the morning, now i couldn't eat anything without vomiting, hubby I am hungry and i want to eat something." Zhan whined while rubbing his face on Wang yibos broad chest, minutes later a chef came out with a tray of food.

"Sir i prepared this for you, it will help you stop the feeling of vomiting." The chef said, yibo took the tray of food together with a glass of mint tea, yibo thanked the chef, having xiao zhan sit on his lap, yibo fed xiao zhan who ate very well with our vomiting.

"See with you here, i didn't vomit, you must be here all the time to feed me every day." Zhan said feeling very energised, yibo didn't refuse, Wuxian pregnancy didn't have any problems, xiao zhan wasn't moody and he didn't vomit, xiao zhan behaved normally, but this pregnancy looked the opposite, he really have a lot of pass through with xiao zhan being pregnant for months.

"Anything that my wife will say will be done, I am here to take care of you." Yibo being the now obedient and good husband answered and pecked xiao zhan lips, and the two of them enjoyed the cool breeze.

"Madam i did an investigation just like you have instructed me, this is where your husband goes everyday and this is the woman he meets almost every day." A man in his early thirties said and presented pictures in front of madam Pei.

"Good, you will be rewarded handsomely." Madam Pei answered and took the pictures given to her, so that she could see the person who dared to go after a man who is already married and has a family.

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