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Xiao zhan had breakfast with Wuxian, after they were done, zhan chose to take Wuxian to school and then go to a local court which was not very far to start the process of getting a divorce, zhan took Wuxian to school, then drove to the court, it didn't take long before he was allowed inside. Zhan explained the reason why he was their and he answered every question that he was asked.

"You need to wait for one month, before the process start." The woman that was present at the office that day answered, zhan frowned, a month is such a long time, with Zhao Hongfei around, heis very sure he will not let him go scot-free especially now that he is married with someone else and already has a kid.

"Why? Can't i have another way? Like finish everything within a week, it's just getting divorced nothing else." Zhan who can't see himself staying for a month and get in unnecessary problems with wang yibo and at the same time Zhao Hongfei who might even hurt his family asked.

"No sir, this is a rule, and theirs no other way, have a good day." Zhan had no choice but to leave, but he was stressed, he is not sure what to do, he can't see himself seeing Wang yibo for even a week, and maybe the only thing he will have to do is move out, this way Wuxian will be used to not seeing him around and maybe forget about his existence, zhan didn't go back direct, he drove around the city and ate lunch outside, he wanted to visit her mother but decided not to, zhan was eating lunch peacefully when someone else joined him, zhan looked the woman in front of him and tried to remember if he has seen the lady somewhere.

"Hi we met before, I'm Pei yuan, i was walking around and spotted you here." Pei yuan greeted xiao zhan, zhan guts told him this woman is not a good person, with just the way she is carrying herself, she is just not likable.

"Can i help you, i don't remember meeting you anywhere, you must be mistaken." Zhan who was really not interested talking to someone he doesn't know answered and continued to eat.

"Really? I'm the woman you dared call a psychiatrist on me! Also Wang yibos childhood playmate." Pei yuan who got upset with how xiao zhan was talking to her said, zhan recognised the woman, but yesterday this woman was pathetic not like today, and at the same time, she must be a woman who is in love with Wang yibo and she came to him to cause trouble.

"I see, you seem to recover real fast, that's great, also if you came to warn me or talk about me leaving Wang yibo, you don't have to worry, because soon i will be divorcing him, you can have him all by yourself and i won't interfere in any way." Zhan answered and got up to leave, but Pei yuan stopped xiao zhan.

"I didn't come here to talk to you about leaving Wang yibo, I'm here to tell you Wang yibo himself will leave you, don't you feel ashamed at all marrying someone else when you already have a partner at man that married you legally, well it's understandable, you must have married Wang yibo because of his money, I am excited to see Wang yibo reaction when he knows that you were married before." Pei yuan said with a smirk on her face, making xiao zhan face to turn pale, how did Pei yuan know something like that? It can't be Zhao Hongfei who told her right?.

"You must be wondering how i came to know about that, Wang yibo can be stupid enough not to check your disgusting doings before because of you pretending to be so clean and innocent all these years, but as for me, i can't just sit by and assume like it's nothing, don't you feel guilty at all taking advantage of an innocent man who treated you genuinely, but in return you have been using him for year's, shouldn't you atleast confess of your wrong doings and let the innocent man be free." Pei yuan continuedto speak, each word being a great impact on xiao zhan mentality, completely affecting him, Pei yuan smiled in satisfaction seeing xiao zhan reaction, this is exactly what she wanted to see, a beaten xiao zhan.

Zhan legs felt weak and sat down on the floor not caring if other people saw him, is he really selfish? He took advantage of wang yibo who loves him wholeheartedly and ready to do anything for him, protected him from her mother who never liked him, he really is a heartless person who only thinks about himself and not Wang yibo, taking advantage of wang yibo for six years, he really doesn't deserve any sympathy, because he is a terrible person and someone like him doesn't deserve any forgiveness. Zhan laughed and tried to get but he fall down and lost consciousness.

Wang yibo got a call and was told to rush to the hospital since his wife was taken to the hospital, wang yibo was upset with xiao zhan, yesterday zhan talked about divorcing and today he left the house without informing anyone and now he is called being told that xiao zhan is at the hospital, yibo was worried, he is not sure what might have happened to xiao zhan.

Xiao zhan woke up and found himself lying down on a strange bed and room, but with the nauseous smell, zhan knew he must be at the hospital, and seating beside him is Wang yibo.

"You're awake, you fainted and some good people brought you to this small hospital, they had some examinations and your two months pregnant." Yibo told xiao zhan who suddenly sat up.

"What! Pregnant? Impossible! I can't be pregnant now! This is unplanned, i can't be pregnant now." Zhan who still couldn't believe that he is pregnant shouted, yibo who expected xiao zhan to act at least differently and take the news of pregnancy positively frowned.

"Unplanned pregnancy? So if you weren't pregnant you could have continued to see someone else behind my back!" Yibo shouted and threw the pictures in front of xiao zhan, completely losing it! He was good enough to calm himself down, but he didn't expect xiao zhan to behave like this once he learnt he is pregnant, with how xiao zhan reacted Wang yibo had suspicion if the child is really his, zhan was confused, but when he saw the pictures of himself being hugged by Zhao Hongfei, he knows better Wang yibo will never believe a word that he will say.

"I have nothing to say, you think what you want to think and do what you want to do! You've seen it all anyway." Zhan answered, but started gasping for air when yibo grabbed his neck.

"Is this the reason why you want to divorce me? Not only do you have some other man whom your seeing in secret, but you went as far as getting impregnated by him! Is that the reason why you suddenly changed! You want to leave before i come to know!" Yibo shouted if not for the doctor coming inside and pushing Wang yibo away, zhan could be in trouble.

"This is the hospital! You can't be fighting here! And sir i told you that his pregnancy is fragile, if his emotions gets unstable, he will lose the baby! If you continue to cause trouble rather than leaving  and disturb the patient, i will have to call the police." The doctor said while looking at Wang yibo who sneered.

"I have no business here, i just wasted my precious time to come and get to know pregnancy that never belonged to me! I'm so disappointed in you!" Yibo stormed out of the room where xiao zhan and left, Pei yuan who also came to the hospital, didn't expect the picture's to have such great results, if she can add some more salt and finish this once and for all, yibo will become hers.

"Hey yibo, i got something for you that you will be interested to hear, trust me you will not regret this, i know you don't want to see me, i don't know why, but i cannot sit by and watch my friend getting played." Pei yuan who approached Wang yibo who was about to enter his car said sounding so sad.

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