I'll Tame Him.

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All of us turned around to see who it was. Women who looked gorgeous and wore a lot of makeup approached us. And she seemed extremely familiar. I was attempting to recall her. Isabella quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it under the table. I softly turned to face Isabella. But she wasn't throwing me a look. I recognized I shouldn't get invested in this. I then released the hand squeeze and turned my attention to Raphael. He appeared agitated. That's when I began to think of her. Jasmine. I am overjoyed to see you. I am very glad you arrived today. Blossom remarked. I would go without a doubt. I was welcomed. And why would I turn down the chance to meet my ideal man. Jasmine spoke the final phrase while focusing on Raphael.

Already scowling, he turned away. Now I could recognize her. She was the one who delivered the flowers to my house in the middle of the night. Rolling my eyes, I turned my head away. I glanced at Abigail. She was appreciating Jasmine as she looked at her. She kept her gaze fixed on her. I turned away as it seemed strange. How are things going for you, Austin? I approached him. He flashed me a smile and responded, I'm alright. I appreciate you asking, Sparkle. Raphael slid up to me and grabbed my thighs beneath the table. I carefully took Raphael's hand from my thighs and put it on his. He gives me a small pout. How do you find the show? I was questioned by Austin. I deliberately said, Not really. At the table, everybody appeared startled. Austin questioned, Really? 'Nothing'. I chuckled awkwardly and added, Just Kidding. Shaking his head, Raphael chuckled. Raphael, my sweetheart, how have you been doing? Jasmine asked while flipping her hair. It's been so long since I last saw you. Raphael appeared to be irritated. Up until you walked in, I was good. He spoke. I was able to restrain my laughter. Austin, though, burst into laughter. Noah also acted in this manner. Jasmine gave them an icy stare. I signalled Noah to be silent while I glanced at him. Noah approached me and got on my lap. I gave him a bear hug and a forehead kiss. Isabella turned to face Noah and prepared to speak. However, I cut her off and said, Baby Noah, are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? He shook his head and hugged me.

Jasmine didn't like anyone except Raphael. Everyone at the table knew that. So everyone just ignored her and did their own thing. However, Abigail kept talking to Jasmine and smiling at her. At a glance, it may look friendly. But the more you look, the stranger it feels. Even Austin noticed that. But neither of us made a comment about it. Alfred, Aaron, and Raphael had a good chat about their business. As usual, Isabella and I were left out. Noah was the one reason we both communicated at the table. And Jasmine made sure that we never get to say anything at all. She either kept interrupting us or just looked down on us. I have seen people like Jasmine before. They are all bark, no bite. They just think highly of themselves until someone knock some sense into them. I just hope that day comes soon.

As I was just thinking to myself and eating the food, which I didn't like at all, I felt something soft landing on my lap. A paper was put on my lap. I looked around and saw Isabella staring at me. As soon as our eyes met, she looked at my lap and turned away. I took the hint and slowly looked at the paper. Series of numbers were written. It looked like a phone number. I didn't want anybody else to look at it, so I quickly put it inside my bag and pretend to take out my phone.

At the end Jasmine, Blossom, and Abigail were still chatting, The men on the other hand looked done with the atmosphere. Noah was sound asleep on Isabella. Austin and I just kept glancing at each other. Alfred looked at his watch and said, "Oh my, It's getting late. Honey, let's go home.

Blossom who was deep into the conversation failed to her what Alfred said. He just cleared his throat, which made Blossom come out of the conversation. She then stood up and said," Well, it was a good event. Thank God, nothing went wrong. This time Isabella did a good job. You made proud. Those words may seem good, but her expression was not. I could see her annoyed face. The frustrating look on her face, like she was looking down on Isabella, it was clearly seen. Then she looked at me and said," I didn't know our new daughter-in-law is so talented with a fake smile on and the same look on her face. I didn't react at all. I just put my head on Raphael's shoulder. Are you sleepy? He asked. I just nodded. Alright Let's go home He said and help me stand. He took my bag and pulled me close to him. I looked at Isabella and said," Thank You for inviting us. It was a lovely event and I really enjoyed it. I saw a small smile appear on her face, but it immediately vanished. Thank you. She said coldly.

We bid Goodbye and went our separate ways. We both walked up to the car park and got inside the car. Raphael helped me put on the seat belt and i that process he kissed me. This time I didn't pull away. I kissed him back gently. He pulled away and said," You are in trouble, Sparkle. I just smiled at him and said, Uh Huh. There is no stopping this time. When we get back home, I will show you how big the trouble is. The trouble can get bigger, and only you can end the trouble. He ran his thumb on my lips. And how is that? I asked him, running out of breath. He pulled me closer and whispered into my ears," All you have to do is put the trouble inside you and ride it until it's tamed. He said that and slowly bite my earlobe. I could already feel my body throbbing and a tingling sensation down there. I slowly ran in fingers on the nape of his neck and whispered back, "Show me then. I'm ready to tame him. Hearing this, hid eyes ignited, He immediately let me go a stared the car and drove as fast as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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