Chapter 5- Big Closets and Wolves Galore!

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The sound of a chickadee, happily chirping woke me. I slowly opened my eyes, so I wouldn't get a flash head ache. I looked around to find Connor, but instead, I found nothing. Just me, a bed, and a few chairs. I shuffled out of the bed, and to my surprise, Connor was standing right in front of me. Wow. How did he do that?!

" Good morning beautiful!"

I yawned and grinned. He looked so handsome, hair combed, with shorts and a t-shirt.. I, on the other hand, was wearing some clothes that I don't even recognize, and my hair was a crow's nest.

" Anything wrong babe?"

" No no. I was just wondering who these clothes belongs to."

" Oh! That's just my sister's, Tamara."

Tamara entered the room, as if saying her name was her cue. She came to stand beside me.

" Good morning Allison! Did you sleep well?"

She then glanced at her brother.

" Connor."

And before I knew it, she was back, hovering around me.

" Come! Let's go find you some proper clothes!"

She dragged me away, leaving Connor behind. He mouthed a quiet I LOVE YOU, and I blew him a kiss. I giggled, and concentrated on Tamara again.

We arrived in her room, which was HUGE! There were green walls with white carpeting. Her comforter was green and blue, and there was a large door, painted in blue.

" Wow! Your room is amazing!"

She grinned, and grabbed my arm, leading me to the large door. She pushed it open, and before me, was most likely the biggest closet I had EVER, and will ever see in my freaking life.

"Tamara ?! How many people can you fit in this room!? It's like... triple! No! Quadruple the size of my room!"

She laughed. Her laugh was like a bell's tinkle. I smiled as the nickname " Tinkerbell" came to mind.

" Since your clothes is at your house, and you can't go back until the council tells you so, I am goi-"

" Wait-What!? I can't go home?! Why?! What about my mother!? She doesn't know I'm here! And who the he-?""

" Woah there Alli! Calm down... deep breathes..."

I breathed in and out slowly, not trying to think about my situation.

" Okay. First of all, you can't go home at the moment, until the council sees your wolf. However, if your mom lets you, you can come live with us in the pack house! It would be so much fun! We could be like sisters, a-"

" TAMMIE! Slow down"

She finally stopped talking. Geez.... A human windmill..

" Second of all, your mother is fine. We already told her about your.... new condition. She knows you're here, and everything is okay.

My heart stopped racing, slowing down. That's a weight off my chest.

" But.. who is the council?"

" The council are 5 alpha wolves, including my dad, Connor,-"

Just hearing his name made me feel warm. Images of his mystifying eyes filled my mind ,thinking about how I would get lost in his eyes, like I was in a maze. His abs were showing from his tight shirt, and his lips just made me want to kiss him.

" Alli?? ALLI? Snap out of it!!!"

She hit my shoulder lightly.

" Whaaa-?"

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