Chapter 9- Physical Training Begins

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After learning about my newfound powers, and waking up with no energy whatsoever, it was announced that today, I would start my physical training. I didn't know who my trainer would be, but apparently, he was the best trainer of them all. So I decided to wear appropriate clothes. I ran to my dresser, and threw out a sports bra, a turquoise tank top, black sweat pants, and a pair of running shoes. After I changed into that, I put my hair up in a ponytail, and ran out the door.

I had to train in the outdoors, in order to do what they called the "full treatment". From what I Iearned from Connor (Who is a very good source of information), the half treatment is when you fight, only using punches, kicks, and that physical jazz, in human form AND wolf form. The full treatment, is not only fighting physically, but using your elements as well! The majority of wolves usually did the half treatment, but the alphas, alpha females, and Silama have the full treatment, to help the weaker wolves fight. According to Connor, it could be tiring, but it was worth it. Speaking of Connor, I hadn't seen him all day! Hmm..

Before I knew it, I arrived at the Raina Ring. She was a great wolf fighter. She helped the pack build the house, and make everything roll smoothly. Sadly, she was killed by, ironically, Coluka's clan. Although after the murder, the vampire clan changed its name, and moved away to the unknown. Sad stuff. The ring was surrounded by a gate, which I easily hopped over. Inside the ring, I was amazed. There were punching bags, stuffed vampire dolls, guns, and the same purple liquid that I saw in Shaun's office. Weird.

"I would advise you not to touch that, child."

I span around, slowly, expecting to find a vampire or something dangerous. Instead, I found Henry, the old man from the council meeting.

"Oh. It's just you Henry."

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Uhh.. Maybe a vampire, it might sound silly, but it-"

"Good. We won't need to train that today."

"Uhh.. What?"

He smiled, and threw his cane aside.

"I will be your trainer, child."

"But.. You a-"

"Lesson one: NEVER judge a book by its cover."

He smirked, and lifted his hand up. A wave of fire came out, blazing towards me. I put my hands out in fear. I opened my eyes, and everything was in slow motion. The fire was still coming towards me, but it was advancing even slower now. Which gave me more time to think. What could possibly beat fire? Water, dummy. I kept my hands out, and thought of water. Almost instantly, water was shooting out of my hands, at an abnormal speed. Henry's flame made a loud noise, and dissapeared into thin air. Henry was shot back a few feet, but had an unimpressed look on his face. I, on the other hand, was huffing and puffing, red faced, amazed at what I could do.

"Lesson one is complete. A few pointers. Your fighting stance is weak. Put on leg forward, before the other. As soon as you see your enemy attack, do the time freeze vlink, so you will gain even more time. Even if your opponent surprised you, do NOT look impressed. Otherwise, this will brig them up, and you will find yourself thrown onto the ground. One more tip: in times like these, you must trust no one. Even your mate could lead you into potential danger.

I gasped. He walked over to a small table, where the strange purple liquid was. He grabbed it, and brought it back towards me.

"In this container, contains the deadliest chemical known to werewolves. If it manages to touch a wolf, the person who made it can control the wolf, in any way they want. It can even kill the most powerful wolves. That is why Silama cannot come in contact with it."

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