CHapter 14- Good-bye Ceremonies

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From what I had learned, the good-bye ceremony was a way of families saying good-bye to their loved ones one last time. I could already do that, with the mind reading and all, but for the wolves who couldn't, this was for them.

Family members and close friends could place one item that the deceased had given to them, into a sacred fire. If they wanted, they could talk about why they chose that item. The sacred fire would then turn all the items into ashes, which would be placed on their heart, according to their role in the pack.

It was decided that Sophia would be first, since she was the one who had carried the next alpha. Her friends stepped up first, and placed numerous objects into the fire. The blond one placed a black sparkly dress into the fire. The fire coughed, and turned into a strange green colour. The girl stepped up, to face the crowd.

"My name is Alyssa, and I placed that in there, because I wore that on my first date with my mate. I did not have anything to wear, and I was SO nervous. She came to my rescue, and comforted me, and gave me that dress. Thank you Soph.. I'll miss you."

She looked at the coffin one last time, and walked back to her friend, as one hugged her, and the other stepped up. She threw a rock into the fire. The fire changed to a blue colour.

"I'm Marysse, and I met Sophie when she threw this rock at my head. By accident, of course. She apologized, and we became friends after that. She was always there for me. And even though I don't have that rock anymore, I still have a scar to prove it! Soph, stay safe up there okay? You have people down here who care for you."

The last girl nervously went up to the fire, and pulled up the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen in my life. It had a purple stone, with a few small ones around it. She sighed nervously, and placed the necklace into the fire. The fire turned purple, and she started crying.

"It was my 16th birthday. I was having a pack party, and I had lost my necklace during the party. That necklace was one that I had since birth. Sophia came to comfort me, and even though I didn't even know her, she assured me we would find it. We walked around the party, until we found a guy betting the necklace off while playing a game of poker in another building. Sophia went up to him and demanded for the necklace. He refused, and she just punched him in the eye, grabbed the necklace, and we ran out together. Since that incident, we have been good friends. I was there for her, and she was there for me. She even said I would be the baby's godmother.."

She was sobbing hysterically by now, as she walked away with her friends. Her family placed baby photos, and memorable objects into the fire. Even though I didn't know Sophia, she seemed like a really nice person.

The ashes were taken, and the coffin opened up, only a small section of her left side revealed. The ashes were spread out in a circle, since she was pregnant, making life a circle once more.

The next was Matt. The alpha stepped up first, and placed a baby picture into the fire. The fire turned red.

"That picture was the day my life changed forever. The day my first son was born. The day our future alpha was born. I was so sure. He taught me so many things. And when his siblings came along, my life was even better. But now that he is gone, I feel like a slice of my heart has been removed from my body.  Take care Matt. Your wife and kid need you up there."

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