49. Your Darling

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"Please, Miles. I love you!" Shelly shouted again. "I know I did a mistake, but... but don't I deserve a second chance?"

"You left me, Shelly." Miles said, his voice defeated with everything that was happening around him. "What makes you believe that you won't pull that stunt again."

"You are all I have now, Miles." She said. "I'll be the one to lose if things go south. If it wasn't for your dad, we would have been a happy couple."

Miles glanced at her and I could tell that a train of memories passed though him. His expressions changed from one to another, letting out a disappointed sigh. I could tell that he was inching closer to her and my support system shriveled noticing the changes in him.

"I loved you, Shells." He said, his eyes on her. My inner monologue which often said that Miles would never leave me, stood dumb-folded in shock. The way he was watching her was the same way he saw me. Like he had a little more than a small concern in his heart.

"We were so good together." He muttered. "Why did you go?"

I stood in the corner, holding my breath. It was the same thing that my mind reeled back over and over again. Why did she leave him when she knew she loved him? Why not tell him this straight away rather than pushing my reputation to the line?

"I thought you loved me too." Shelly sniffed. "This," She waved her hands around, her eyes finally landed on me. "was all supposed to be an infatuation. What we had, no, we have is real, Miles."

"Shelly... it had been so difficult to live without you." Miles slid closer to her, his hands reaching for hers. "I was into booze party for months together in your name."

"I'm so sorry, Miles." Shelly placed her hands on his, her manicured fingers tightly curling at the corners. "Please, let's get back together. We were good back then, this time we can be amazing. Please, give us a chance. We deserve this."

"Okay." It was a feeble whisper, yet I heard it very clearly. He leaned forward and his head resting on hers. With his free hand he slightly pulled her towards him, their lips ever so gently touching. "I love you, Shells. I do."

"No, no, no." It was when my mouth decided that it was time to say something. "Miles, you love me, not her!"

Hearing my words, Miles looked at me, confusion etched on his face. "Megan?"

"You don't have to worry about her, Miles." Shelly said, putting her arms protectively around Miles' neck, pulling him closer to her. "All those photos and videos that I let out to the public is enough for you to break up with her."

"What?" I asked, as one fell on the other overlapping till her inner meaning coming to light.

"You heard me." She said, her evil face back to face me. "You are the whore that Miles did a mistake of dating. He comes out clean while you stay in the dumps forever."

"Miles?" I asked. It was a desperate plea asking him to tell her to stop. To tell himself to stop. But he wasn't looking at me anymore. It was as if he never heard me at all.

"Goodbye, Megan." Shelly said, a smirk playing on her lips. "Your time in the fame world starts right now."

"No, no, no!" I shouted.

The moment I saw his eyes on me, I knew I was a third person. Just like how my mother had told me. I was the wrong person at the wrong time, only drawing more commotion to the people whom I was with.

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