The Rescue. Part 2

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Akeno POV

Akeno: "Ahh, huh... Where the hell am I, why am I chained up, haah... Ranaer, now I remember..."

Ranaer: "It seems you're finally awake Akeno... Sleep well? Hehehe..."

Akeno: "What do you want with me?"

Ranaer: "Ohh sweetie, it's not you that I want, it's your beloved Issei..."

Akeno: "But then why would you kidnap me?"

Ranaer: "Because, Issei has a special connection with you, so he'll bemd over backwards to find you, and when he does, he and I are gonna have a little chat"

Akeno: "Good luck with that, Issei is Rias's boyfriend not mine, he wouldn't go that far for me..."

Ranaer: "He's with Rias?... My my what a surprise... I thought for sure that you two where together, but you see that's where you're wrong... Issei will come for you, I know he will... Hahahaha"

Akeno: "Issei..."

Issei POV

It's been three days already and no sign of Akeno anywhere, all we have is a black feather from a Fallen Angel but we don't know who's it is. I keep having shivers down my spine and this bad feeling won't go away.

I went downstairs to have breakfast and saw everyone in panic and the bad feeling from before just grew worse.

Issei: "Rias, what's going on, why does everyone look so terrified?..."

Rias didn't say a word, but instead pointed to a box on the dining room table that was posted to us this morning. I looked inside the box and what I had seen turned my bad feeling into terror.
There was a photo of a beaten, chained up Akeno in the box with a lock of her hair clipped on to it. On the back of the photo there was a note stating:

"If you want to see your beloved half-breed again you will do as I say and come to the bridge where we met... ALONE"

Reading that note made me start crying.

Issei: "Who would do this to Akeno, why?... When I find this person I'm gonna kill them..."

To my displeasure I had to figure out what bridge this mysterious Kidnapper was talking about. The only bridge I know of in this area is the one close to fountain where Rias had reincarnated me. I decided to go to the bridge alone. I arrived at the bridge but there was no one there.

Issei: "Show me your face... Who the hell are you, where is Akeno?!"

Voice: "Ohh Issei, You don't even know the face of your own ex girlfriend?..."

I suddenly felt a spiral of fear rush through my whole body, almost to the point where I couldn't move. I turned around and as I saw this person standing in front of me, my fear turned to terror.

Issei: "Y-Yu-Yumi?..."

Yumi: "Bingo baby... Hehe"

Issei: "No, it's not possible, you're dead..."

Yumi: "Well I wouldn't say dead, actually I feel more alive than I've ever been..."

Issei: "But... How?"

Yumi: "You remember the day that your beloved girlfriend 'killed' me... Yeah she missed, although she caused some damage"

After she said that she turned to her true form. She had a big scar running across her left cheek and a part of her left wing was missing. The only thing that came to my mind at the moment was "Damn this Bitch is ugly".

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