I need an answer #1 Part 3

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Issei POV

It's been two weeks since we got Akeno back from Ranaer. She seems to be doing well after everything. I went downstairs to get breakfast, I've been eating in my room for a while, I don't know why but after what Ranaer told me I just haven't really been able to look Rias in the eye, and it's been hard to distance myself from her since she's my girlfriend. I have to fix this as soon as possible, it can't keep going on like this.

Issei: "Good morning guys."

Gasper and Kiba have been staying over for the past few days, Ravel had gone back home, so it was just the Gremory household and my parents.

Asia: "Good morning Issei."

Akeno: "Morning."

Koneko: "What it do"

Rias: "Mmm... Morning"

Yeah Rias is pissed at me because I've been ignoring her this whole time. This can't go on.

Issei: "Rias, can I talk to you for a moment please?"

Rias: "O-kay... What's up Issei?"

Issei: "Okay, I know I've been ignoring you for a while now, and I'm really sorry about it. I just haven't been myself lately and I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean to hurt you at all, it really wasn't my intention to... Could you please forgive me?"

Rias: "It's okay Issei, Yeah I've been a bit lonely because of it but it's okay, you have your problems that you have to deal with, I just wish that you would talk to me more about what's bothering you..."

Issei: "I know and I really am sorry, but I promise from now on that I will not keep anything from you again..."

Rias: "That's all I need to hear, I forgive you. Now, can we please go eat, I'm starving hehe"

Issei: "Yeah sure, I'm a bit hungry too"

Issei: "I'm glad that she's forgiven me, but I still have this urge to find out what Ranaer ment..."

Rias and I made our way back to the dining room. We all sat down and had breakfast together for the first time in a while and honestly it felt kind of great to sit with everyone again. We finished breakfast and made our way to school.

Issei: "Okay, I'll see you guys after school... Enjoy your day"

I had to run to class since I was running a bit late.

Issei: "I can't get what Ranaer said out of my head... Why would she say that Rias let me die, it doesn't make any sense, she wouldn't let me die if she had a choice, she would've saved me... Wouldn't she?..."

I couldn't shake the feeling that something didn't add up. Nothing made sense anymore. I was so confused. This life that I had thought was the perfect one I could've had, turned out to possibly be a fraud. I didn't want to think this, but I couldn't help it, the thoughts just kept running through my head simultaneously.

Issei: "I don't know what to do, I'm not gonna ask about anything until I'm dead sure that something is wrong."

Rias: "What was that Issei?"

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't even realised that school was out and that I had been sitting there talking to myself.

Issei: "Ohh it's nothing, just talking to myself again hehehe..."

Rias: "Ohh okay, well it's time for us to get going, we've got to get home, it's dark outside..."

Issei: "Yeah I'm right behind you"

Issei: "I wonder she actually did let me die?... No why would I think that, Rias wouldn't let me die if she had the power to save me, she wouldn't... I hope... I need an answer, this gonna drive me nuts."

We made our way home, the others had already left so it was just Rias and I walking. I had the urge to ask her what Ranaer ment by what she had told me, but I didn't say anything, it would have just caused more trouble at the end of the day.
We finally reached home and I went straight to my room to get clothes so that I could take a bath.

Issei: "Man I stink..."

I walked in but hadn't realised that someone was already inside...

Issei: "Thank God I get to take a bath in peace"

Akeno: "Ohh well Hey Issei..."

Issei: "Ahh, Akeno... I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here, I'll leave..."

Akeno: "No it's okay Issei... Please don't leave, I actually want to talk to you..."

Issei: "But you're naked and so am I... Can we do this when neither of us are exposed"

Issei: "Not that I really mind looking at Akeno's Bonkers, but this isn't right..."

Akeno: "It's fine Issei, it's nothing you haven't already seen..."

Issei: "Are you sure..."

Akeno: "Yes I'm sure... Come sit next to me, I promise I just want to talk"

Issei: "Ohh okay..."

I went to sit next to her but it was hard to concentrate on her words while her huge bust was hanging out.

Issei: "So what did you wanna talk about Akeno?"

Akeno: "Issei... I- uhmm... I don't know how to say this... First I want to thank you again for saving me from Ranaer, I really do appreciate it"

Issei: "Not a problem, not a problem at all, I'd do anything for you, you know that"

Akeno: "I know Issei... But there's something that I need to get of my chest"

Issei: "Yeah, my eyes..."

Akeno: "Do you remember when we went on that date?"

Issei: "Yeah, hoe could I forget... It was our first date and the first time you kissed me, I would never forget it..."

Akeno: "I'm so glad you remember that, and I'm happy you feel that way Issei... So I can tell you without any regret or worry..."

Issei: "Tell me what?"

Akeno: "I'm in love with you Issei..."

Issei: "Wh-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Are you serious right now, please tell me your not joking"

Akeno: "No I'm dead serious Issei, I'm in love with you... I've been in love with you since the first day we met"

Issei: "Wow, I'm flattered Akeno... I really am, but Rias and I-"

Akeno: "I know you and Rias started dating a while back... But that doesn't matter to me, I love you and I always will"

Issei: "I can't believe she's in love... With me"

Akeno: "I'm not gonna try to split you and Rias up, I know you love her and she loves you. I just wanted to let you know how I feel. I'll be going now, see you at dinner Issei"

Issei: "Ohh okay, see you later, bye"

I didn't know what to do, this was a lot to process at the moment especially with everything that was already on my mind, but for a few moments I had completely forgotten about Rias and what Ranaer had said. All I could focus on was what Akeno had just said to me.

Chapter End

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