Why? Chapter 7

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Issei POV

Akeno and I left the house in search of Asia and Ranaer.

Issei: "How the hell did this happen, Why did this happen... What does Ranaer want with Asia, it doesn't make sense. If she's after anyone it should be me, so why did she take Asia?"

Akeno: "I don't know, but we have to find them before Ranaer hurts her."

Issei: "Yeah, you're right... By the way Akeno, I know that this is a bad time to ask this, but do you know anything about what happened the day I died?"

Akeno: "What do you mean Issei?"

Issei: "Okay so she doesn't know, or atleast that's what she's letting me think..."

Issei: "It's nothing... There, I think that's them."

Akeno and I landed after a while, the funny thing is that the place where Ranaer had taken Asia is the same place that Ranaer had killed me.


Ranaer: "Would you die for me?"

~Flashback end~

Those words still haunt me to this day.
All I can remember from that day is those words and Ranaer's Spear piercing my chest.

(Just for reference I'm not sure if it was his chest or his stomach but I'm going with his chest)

The fountain where I saw a fallen Angel for the first time, and she killed me. I can vaguely remember the blood pouring out of my mouth and her words "If you want to know why this is happening, ask him" I still haven't figured out who "him" is.

As Akeno and I reached the fountain We saw that Ranaer had put up a barrier and at that moment I knew this was going to be a fight to the death, but for some reason that didn't bother me, all I wanted was Asia to come home safely.

Issei: "Ranaer!... Give Asia back you bitch!... She hasn't done anything to you, I'm the one you want not her, let her go!"

Ranaer: "Hahaha... Okay fine I'll let her go, but in exchange I want you to do something for me"

Issei: "What do you want?"

Ranaer: "I want you to kill Rias Gremory!"

Issei: "You What?..."

The look of seduction in her eyes had me terrified, I knew that the only way she would give Asia back was if I killed Rias.

Issei: "I can't do that... Are you insane... I could never kill Rias."

Ranaer: "Obh well I gave you a chance."

She threw a spear of light that pierced Akeno in the stomach.


Draigg: "Boost."

I ran over to Akeno. With her head in my as I started crying.

Akeno: "It's okay Issei I'm gonna be fine, this isn't enough to kill me, hehe."

Draigg: "Boost"

Issei: "Akeno just stay here for a little bit, this will be over soon okay, draigg, can you heal her?"

Draigg: "I can, I'll heal her right away partner."

As Draigg healed Akeno I put her head down and turned to Ranaer.

Issei: "Ranaer! You are gonna wish you hadn't done that, I'm gonna rip your wings off and eat them infront of you

Ranaer: "Oooo, how scary, I'm shivering in my boots, bring it on little man."

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