Kidnapped Part 1

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[Draig Thinking]
Normal Talking

Issei POV

It's been one hell of a day... With the club 'activities' that we've been doing, school, homework and me trying not to piss off all the girls around me has got me tired. When I get home I'm gonna take a shower and a nap, God I'm tired...

[Issei you've gotta learn to chill out on being such a pervert, with the way you're going these girls might actually kill you one day and I'm not gonna do a damn thing to help you cause you'll deserve it...]

Issei: "Yeah, gee Thanks For the support Draig...".

Issei: Man he can seriously be such a pain in the ass sometimes...

Issei: "Okay I'm finally home, time to take a shower..."

As I walked into the bathroom I took off my clothes which had revieled a scar that I had not seen before till now, one right across my chest to my abs, I didn't think much of it since I had fought Sairaorg just last week. As I finished taking off my clothes I grabbed a towel and rushed to the bath, little did I know that someone was already inside...

Issei: "Asia?..."

Asia: "Issei?!... Ahhhhhhhh!!!... What are you doing here?If you wanted to see me naked you could've asked and I wouldn't mind showing you but peeping in on me is not right..."

Issei: "That's not what happened here, I just wanted to take a bath and I didn't know anyone was in here I'm sorry, I'll be leaving... Byeee!!..."

Asia: " No, Issei wait that's no-"

Issei: "Whew, that was close to being a disaster... Ahhh why does this keep happening to me!?"...

I forgot about the bath and just went and locked myself up in my room. The scar that I saw earlier popped up in my head again. I kept thinking about it and kept wondering where it came from, at first I thought it came from the battle that we had with Sairaorg but I would've realised it by then if I had a scar...


Mom: "Issei, The foods ready..."

Issei: "Thanks Mom."

Issei: "I'll ask the club members tomorrow if they know anything about it..."

I went downstairs to the dining table. To my surprise I saw Rias helping Mom out with dinner...

I went to sit at the table to eat, Ravel had come to visit us and stayed for dinner so she sat on my right...

Rias sat across from me
Asia sat to her right
Xenovia sat to Asia's right
Mom and Dad sat across from each other at each end of the table

Issei: "By the way have you guys seen Akeno today?..."

Rias: "I spoke to her this morning, she said that she was going to go visit her dad for the day, I haven't heard from her since..."

Issei; "Ohh okay, I'll save her some food, don't want her to go to bed hungry..."

Akeno POV

Akeno: "Thanks for Today dad, I enjoyed our time together, but I have to get home, they're probably worried by now..."

(Barakiel): "Okay honey, I enjoyed our time together too, you have to visit more often"

Akeno: "I will, Sayonara..."

Akeno: "I'm starving, I hope they saved some food for me..."

As I made my way home I heard something coming from behind me


Akeno: "Who's there, show yourself or you'll regret it..."

Ranaer: "Well hello half-breed, it's been a while hasn't it hahahahahahaha..."

Akeno: "You?!, How are you still alive. Rias killed you... I saw it with my own eyes, this isn't possible, what do you want?!..."

Ranaer: "I've got business with Issei but I guess he'll come out faster if I have you hehehe"

Akeno: "Issei help me..."

Issei POV

Issei: "I've got a bad feeling about something..."

Issei: "Rias could you please try and give Akeno a call?..."

Rias: "You got a feeling too hey... I'll try her cell now.."

Ring ring

Rias: "She's not answering, I don't like this..."

Issei: "Yeah she's not answering me either, let's go look for her"

Rias: "Yeah I'm with you"

We went to Akeno's Dad's house but couldn't find her there, on our way back to the mansion I stumbled upon a black feather and got a weird shiver down my spine...

Issei: "We have got find Akeno now!..."

Chapter End

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